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/d/ Hey, I noticed you were a female
/u/ Does anyone else grunt or sigh like a dog?
/d/ I lost my virgnity in the nastiest way possible
/d/ Любимый русский гей
/d/ Is drinking Period Blood safe?
/d/ My boyfriend wont let me touch his pp
/d/ I secretly put my period blood in my bf's open wound
/d/ I did it guys. I marathoned 1 day of being porn and masturbation free
/new/ Corporate greed is fueling inflation
/u/ Chat I need your advice
/d/ I put my period blood in my boyfriend’s spaghetti sauce.
/u/ i do not
/u/ i doughnut
/d/ can a cock cannon shoot through my hymen castle?
/d/ planning to jerk off to rainbow dash tonight. any tips?
/v/ Necesse is great!
/u/ ÆEEEEEEEEEEEE V."Сигнальный"
/a/ Why is doing a captcha here required but no where else
/d/ I'm in heat
/u/ *hits you*
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