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/u/ The world will never forget how Russia humiliated themselves. This will be laughed at in history books, pretty much for as long as history is still read.
/u/ Looking for Ted’s true and unaltered manifesto
/lain/ Spit on Lain
/v/ yeyididitiditidit
/u/ SEX?
/tech/ HOOOW
/u/ was emperor new groove and xenogears in a fight
/d/ RAPE ME!!!!
/v/ Best Jrpg on ps plus to pick up and play right now?
/u/ > _<;;
/d/ hawk
/u/ Close /burg/
/cyb/ Official new gun chat thread (Re-posting after last one got locked)
/u/ Best Game of 2024
/v/ Wargames
/a/ 600k sales or plan
/burg/ burg
/u/ you can move the "new post" window
/d/ sex givers anonymous
/u/ Выполнили ли вы свои сегодняшние задачи по кампании?
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