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The Kremlin Disinformation Methods in Its War Against Ukraine
It's me Donald Cuck
Biden spent millions on transgender animals
Bernie Sanders
Thinking of 2012 era conspiraboomers
Ultra-wealthy people can and will compromise and distort communication systems for their own profit.
There are only 2 politics
Iran Read This And This - The American People Do Not Want A War On Iran!!!
Go woke or go broke
Anita Sarkeesian
Chinese hackers have been sitting on the U.S. power grid for nearly a year, waiting for the order to turn off the lights.
Why do Americans have the worst political takes?
When you realize you might have just thrown away your empire all just to own the libs.
Okay, in this thread we get POLITICAL and we vent our POLITICAL SHIT
Ну чё с ебалом, хохлы?