The Kremlin Disinformation Methods in Its War Against Ukraine
Post number #834369, ID: 9ccb39
The volume of Russian disinformation seeking to frame Ukraine as a threat to justify military action by Russia has more than doubled in the past weeks. Russian state-linked social media and news outlets are amplifying claims – without evidence – of attacks and plots blamed on Ukrainian forces against Russian separatists.
The Kremlin has a track record of using false information to create confusion and doubt when trying to avoid blame for an attack or to create an excuse to act.
Post number #834370, ID: 9ccb39
Russian disinformation has also targeted Ukraine for decades, aimed at trying to make Moscow look good and the West appear aggressive. The downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014 was the textbook case. Russian media spun out a range of conspiracy theories to explain the tragedy, from the somewhat-plausible to the absurd.
Post number #834371, ID: 9ccb39
The Dutch Joint Investigation Team, which conducted the criminal investigation into the crash, concluded that the aircraft was brought down by a Buk missile system that ultimately belonged to and was operated by the Russian army.
Post number #834373, ID: 9ccb39
Promoting unverified stories: Russian media have a history of promoting emotive content and questionable claims that portray Ukraine in a negative light.
Portraying Ukraine as pro-Nazi: Suggesting that Ukraine is a country aligned with Nazism has been a regular feature of Russian media coverage.
Post number #834374, ID: 9ccb39
Readers’ comments used to represent public opinion: In recent weeks, some Russian state media outlets have featured misleading headlines about international support for Ukraine based solely on user comments on Western media sites.
Using Western voices to exaggerate support for Russia: Activity on accounts spreading pro-Russian propaganda increased dramatically in November last year, according to research from the counter-disinformation group Mythos Labs.
Post number #834377, ID: 9ccb39
One tactic – as noted by researchers – was to share material from non-Russian voices with views that fall in line with Moscow’s stance.
Post number #834381, ID: 9ccb39
How to behave against bullshitters:
Post number #834386, ID: 9ccb39
Useful links if you want to know more about Russias disinformation practices and how to combat them: - Available in many languages - Fucking Harvard University - Very accessible. They even have comedy and feel-good moments under their Projects tab.
Post number #834401, ID: ba4268
Bruh moment. My boi Putin shouldn't be this wicked. He's trying to make that war against Ukraine no matter what. Just because he wants to.
Post number #834436, ID: 8250b1
Post number #834464, ID: f553bd
>>>ba4268 Are you gonna say anything with that URL you dropped or ... ?
Because if you don't it looks like you're attempting: >Promoting unverified stories: >Russian media have a history of promoting emotive content and questionable claims that portray [insert democratic country here] in a negative light.
Makes you look kinda desperate, desu.
Post number #834479, ID: fb5df8
I used to listen to russian songs, but I don't do that anymore
Post number #834496, ID: ba4268
>>834479 I still listen to russian songs! My favourite is "blue wagon" from Cheburashka. Russians and everyone should learn from that beautiful song to not do violence or war! We all should be uniting as one humanity and helping others, while hoping the future will be better... Anyways! Here's that song! I love it.
Post number #834531, ID: 08fb6b
>>9ccb39 How long will you post western propaganda? You are the same man, right?
Post number #834585, ID: e1d4b2
Thanks for the bump, fellas! The more people that bookmark OPs links the better.
They're useful if you want to know *exactly* how Russian disinformation methods operate, and how to combat them. With a little bit of informed reading you will become a master at catching and destroying these liars.
Post number #834982, ID: 9ccb39
Post number #835689, ID: 45ef71
Lol, why Ukraine posts so much of fake news?
Post number #836460, ID: 16d334
>>835689 Because it's war. Truth is always the first victim of war.
Post number #837927, ID: 9f9788
As a russian, i can say how people "justify" the war. They call ukranians nazis and say they need to be turned away from europe. Also when they see someone saying "no to war", they alway say the same: BuT UkRaInE WaS ShElLiNg DoNbAsS FOR 8 YEARS!!1 And where you were when US was interventind in Syria????????
They also call all photos of destruction either fake or claim that its ukranian nationalist doing that. And they think they fight nationalists and not "normal ukranian people"
Post number #838023, ID: 716785
“everyone who disagrees with me is a kremlin bot” the thread
Post number #838363, ID: e0788e
>>838023 t. kremlin bot
Post number #839898, ID: 697716
>>838363 white house bot
Post number #840013, ID: f71585
>>839898 gremlin bot
Post number #840039, ID: 5c5e14
Doesn't that disinformation only work on their own citizens?
Post number #840088, ID: 4103ce
>>840039 Sometimes Europeans get baited too.
Post number #840093, ID: 52fff3
>>840039 the convoy in Canada is supporting Pitler for some reason, so I think it definitely works on people outside Russia if they're brain-dead.
Post number #840389, ID: 589d2d
Funny desu
Post number #840481, ID: 52fff3
Post number #842732, ID: bacc0e
How about we discuss western governments' propaganda methods?
Post number #929317, ID: 7c7f6b
Thank you for playing Half Life Episode more than two but less than four. I hope you enjoy yourself and it was worth the wait.
Post number #931216, ID: fdd214
Hi from Ukraine everyone. I've been without light all day and without orcs so its good day :)
Post number #931234, ID: 08163c
>>931216 Hi from us. I was a good day without pigs like you. :)
Post number #931300, ID: ecb9b8
>>931234 You about ruzzians scum? I agreed :)
Post number #933714, ID: 54d2c0
Feels good without that pigs posting cringe here. Glad to know that they have everyday blackout.
Post number #935396, ID: af1b09
Russian women are beautiful.
Post number #935470, ID: e1bf86
>>935396 yeah, if you're into human cigarettes pickled in vodka. The fuck are you on about?
Post number #935598, ID: 7dd36c
Hello, Pitler here. Did you know: Ukraine has killed over 65 million people?
Huh... Why does that number seem familiar? It's almost as if it's the number of people that William Hearst says that communism has killed...
Post number #935809, ID: e1bf86
>>935598 are you counting deaths as a result of Soviet rule or did 65 million just now expire. What is this dipshit trying to pull?
Post number #936167, ID: 0c7077
Jugoslavia, Syria, Iraq. No one cares. Ukraine gets fucked for killing civilian. OMG, poor country!
Post number #936169, ID: 920046
hoes mad
Post number #937634, ID: 03bb55
Я русский
Post number #938107, ID: 7dd36c
>>935809 I was making a joke about disinformation in the past. A news company in the 1900s said the 65 million number as a clickbait headline as part of a propaganda campaign. They have recently done stuff like spread antivax and anti-abortion headlines, so money is probably their only priority.
Post number #939635, ID: 190fb2
>>936167 but but there are more civilian casulties!!! but which side is funding these efforts to document them?
Post number #939637, ID: a91397
USA #1 terrorist nation
Post number #941084, ID: db1d4b
>>939635 No. in Ukraine there is about 6884, according to OUN. In Iraq 151000 civilians.
Post number #941633, ID: 353b68
Ukraine is to blame
Post number #941785, ID: 0faa18
Russians are the ones who attacked first, both times. That's pretty much all to this war.
Post number #941997, ID: 59307d
Russians save Ukrainians from the Nazi government
Post number #944293, ID: c826ab
just kill them all on both sides world would be a better place with no russias give ukraine to poland give west russia to finland give east russia to mongols
Post number #945783, ID: 414670
if russia didn't attacked/annexed since 2014 and let ukrain do their own gaz and petrol and transport it using the famous pipeline, would it be really that bad for russia ? I thought that thanks to climate change they were going to have enough ressources to survive isolated from the rest of the world
Post number #946343, ID: 351f50
lmao so obvious a troll farm was called on this one, half of these replies aren't even about the thread, just disconnected propaganda dumped in here
average ruski English skills don't help either
Post number #948991, ID: 4dbf76
I saw a news article about how AI was getting better at relating to and having the opinions of the teenagers of this era. The comments that look like obvious bots have the most based and obvious political stances.
Post number #949415, ID: 97f468
Good thread time to post it on competitor forum
Post number #950489, ID: 19edeb
>>837927 "As Russian" Хрюкни
Post number #954836, ID: 0fddb6
Хохла порвало
Post number #955466, ID: 281ab3
And as a result, everyone sucks. I am really tired of this hatred stuff from all sides. Some lie about bad Ukrainians, although in fact most of them are ordinary guys, with their own thoughts, life, study and work. Others lie about Russians, exposing them as bloodthirsty monsters, although in fact most of them are the same ordinary guys with the same work, study and thoughts.
Post number #955467, ID: 281ab3
Still others try to appear to be political experts, being the devil knows where, pretending that they don't give a shit at all, while simultaneously making memes and giggling with everything that happening. Everything that happens is completely surreal and blaming ordinary people who just want to live, live normally, on both sides is idiocy. We live in such a world, most of us are unlikely to be able to change something for the better.
Post number #955468, ID: 281ab3
And those who spread hatred, from ALL sides, will get prostate cancer and curse on diarrhea 666.
Post number #955571, ID: bcfdb7
All of you are fucking crazy. Ukraine isn't even real: it's an alien psyop to see how much they can get you to care about a nation you've never even seen before.
They're laughing at you from the mothership.
Post number #955879, ID: 349510
Хохлы все пидарасы ёбаные блять
Post number #956071, ID: 392ee6
>>349510 Хуя се тут прогандируют
Post number #956072, ID: 392ee6
>>9f9788 Azov, need I say more?
Post number #956073, ID: 392ee6
Post number #956133, ID: 9a739b
just stop fighting
Post number #956245, ID: 95e46b
Пусть хохлы сдадуться, хули
Post number #956726, ID: 419749
Соснули? Бахмут теперь наш
Post number #957067, ID: a42d1b
It never stops, eh ?
Post number #957278, ID: 5e707e
>>956726 Артёмовск тащемта
Post number #960836, ID: 785c27
>>958589 You are the shitъeater
Post number #961284, ID: 24fc66
Pitler is gonna take the world out with him. He's old and afraid of dying from cancer or his ministrokes that he has been having.
That's why nukes are suddenly on the table.
Post number #961350, ID: 0940f2
>>961284 He is immortal. Are you stupid?
Post number #964812, ID: 9f5529
Ну пиздец, модератор без причины взял и закрыл единственный нормальный тред на этой доске.
Post number #964984, ID: ba2c60
Модераторы тут в целом пидорасы
Post number #965000, ID: 9f5529
>>964984 Это факт.
Post number #965185, ID: be1b0c
homeless man calling another homeless man a broke ass nigga: the war
Post number #966499, ID: a44f99
i dont fuckin give a shit about ukraine or russia
Post number #966650, ID: 728de5
>>a44f99 съебалось, чудовище
Post number #970218, ID: 89918c
Я вообще делаю айсберг по интернету и туда добавлю этот сайт
Post number #970239, ID: dbde3d
>>89918c скинь сюда потом ссылку на айсберг
Post number #970378, ID: 950688
>>970218 Не делай этого. Этот сайт хорош только как раз из-за того, что о нём мало кто знает!
Post number #971662, ID: 1bde24
Both sides are doing the same. When power and money is at stake, the truth has no place. That is why it is healthy not caring too much about the "news".
The war's only stake is which set of oligarchs get to steal from which set of peasants.
It's simply sad, I wish it would end sooner than later.
Post number #972127, ID: 9ccb39
desperate replies from desperate russian troll farms lmao
Post number #972195, ID: 0e7845
Every military action will be covered with a mask of propaganda and lies from both sides of the conflict. We will never know the truth.
Post number #972326, ID: 9ccb39
>>972195 nah, the truth is that ruzzia is guilty of war crimes and is trying to lie trough the teeth about it and everything else. they're guilty and _everyone_ knows it.
how much are they paying you for trolling this thread awyway? 40 rubels per hour? lol
Post number #972328, ID: 9ccb39
Why was this thread unlocked anyway?
Post number #972334, ID: 29781d
>>972326 45 rubels. Paranoid schizophrenia is normal lol.
Post number #973493, ID: 17db19
It's war, you think war crimes from all sides isn't normal? The only thing is the "good guys" war crimes are ignored
Post number #977147, ID: b01c85
На восточном фронте без перемен
Post number #978123, ID: b9dbfc
When fighting a war, no side is good, no matter how it look. War itself is evil.
Post number #978749, ID: 3e73b4
>>978123 Like people who begin wars.
Post number #982854, ID: 9ccb39
>>978123 Defending your country from an evil warmongering invader is honorable.
Post number #982855, ID: 9ccb39
>>978123 Starting wars is evil though.
Like what Pitler's Russia did.
Russia is an evil terrorist state.
Post number #982878, ID: 118af4
Usa is an evil terrorist state.
Post number #983051, ID: 9ccb39
>>982878 They're the lesser of 3 evils but they're no terrorists.
ruzzia on the other hand is undeniably a terrorist state.
Post number #983325, ID: 4b96f2
>>983051 Is this some kind of joke?
Post number #983326, ID: 4931d8
Yo' mama's a terrorist state.
Post number #983693, ID: 5cdf50
>>978123 That implies defending against the aggressor is bad, because it makes wars longer.
Only a terrorist could say that.
Post number #983717, ID: 4b96f2
>>983693 Then the whole west are terrorist.
Ебать вы тупые.
Post number #983734, ID: 781895
А че можно было от онгличан ждать? Гавкают постоянно >>983717
Post number #983897, ID: 4b96f2
>>983734 Да вот хуй его знает. Есть же всё-таки те пендосы, у которых мозги есть. По крайней мере должны быть...
Post number #983915, ID: 781895
>>983897 ну так-то да. Есть пара, на ютабе видел
Post number #984633, ID: ba7650
Nah buddy, the west has some terrorists but they're mostly just christian fanatics or right wing dipshits. I'm interested in learning more about current events in Russia though. Y'all have an interesting history and it's a shame how each and every government you've had keeps its people in relative shackles.
Post number #985523, ID: 2de7bb
Post number #988667, ID: 654a0f
Post number #988819, ID: 739239
“Dangerous opinions” like…. Putler is just as bad as Voldemort!!! ???? ???? ♿️♿️♿️♿️♿️♿️
Post number #988955, ID: 7ca66d
Russia won
Post number #989650, ID: 24fc66
>>984633 Here in the west we have people who shoot up elementary schools for fun! It's only a matter of time before some group of fanatics start crashing planes into buildings again because their election was 'stolen'. Half of our population is lowkey terrorist.
Post number #989651, ID: 24fc66
All those who participate in war, attacking or defending, are evil. There can be no just war.
Post number #990923, ID: e1bf86
>>989651 Black and White take, not a good one at that. You're basically saying that if for example one country is the clear aggressor it's a just as bad for the recipient of that violence to defend their lives and their land. So in a roundabout way you just equated every country that fought against Nazi Germany as being just as bad. Cringe.
Post number #994350, ID: 1e5538
Post number #1002049, ID: 24fc66
>>990923 Ukraine is not American land. Why are we fighting their war?
Post number #1003388, ID: 1f6552
>>24fc66 Great Britain and France aren't America either, but it turns out that helping both of them in WW1 was well within the interest of the United States. What kind of dipshit take is that? We're not fighting their war. Turns out there's a whole world outside of the US (who knew, right?) and that world would be better off if countries like Russia didn't get their way. Next you're going to say that we shouldn't have stepped foot in the Atlantic theatre cuz' Europe isn't America.
Post number #1007157, ID: 5248f8
That only makes sense if you win. If the only thing you get is massive inflation and domestic political instability you done Fucked up Cletus (kagan). Meanwhile you’re committing a genocide against Palestine so obviously the us gov and the faction that controls it is the cancer that is killing earth
Post number #1008257, ID: 699e53
>>5248f8 Another well established tactic: moving goalposts, diverting the conversation from the initial intention.
Anyways, I really liked Kenya's UN response in the beginning of the war. Just search it.
Peace requires understanding, resorting to violence will always result in more violence. We all know what sparked both these wars.
Post number #1008258, ID: 699e53
>>5248f8 Another well established tactic: moving goalposts, diverting the conversation from the initial intention.
Anyways, I really liked Kenya's UN response in the beginning of the war. Just search it.
Peace requires understanding, resorting to violence will always result in more violence. We all know what sparked both these wars.
Post number #1008276, ID: 11ae50
Russia, EU, and the United States are a cancer upon this earth. I hope those governments collapse soon. But even more derranged is pretending one is better than the other or that Moscow and Washington constantly playing a geopolitical game of chicken isn't what is ultimately responsible for the Ukraine mess. Anyone pushing the "zmog ruzzia putler is eebil" stuff is just brainwashed. What about Bush? What about Obama?
Post number #1009341, ID: 78b062
>>984633 >history Did you just watched Tucker's interview? Lol.
Anyway, to understand this situation you have to do this shit: -Watch different American news and write down their points. -Watch different Russian news and write down their points. -Then compare them. Don't listen to Ukrainian news, apparently they live in a fantasy world.
But to get it better, watch also to some Arabian and Israeli media. Europe just repeat American, Belarus repeat Russian.
Post number #1010662, ID: 4535a8
Will Ukrain lose? If so, will Russia stop expand? If not, which country will be the next?
Post number #1011513, ID: 28f068
How long Ukraine survive?
Post number #1015789, ID: 1dd0a0
>>1010662 Hard to tell. Question, why did Russia go in hot on Ukraine? This article goes into detail. Important backdrop.
Will Russia expand next? That depends on what geopolitical position they find themselves post-war. I doubt they have any interest in further military expansion considering how costly Ukraine has been for them.
Russia won't do things that is not in her self interest.
Post number #1027379, ID: 4e06d8
>>1011513 with help or without?
Post number #1027563, ID: 7681c3
>>1011513 Ukraine's military is heading for collapse if something drastic doesn't change. At this point, conventional non-guerrilla armed struggle isn't really feasible and they've all but lost the war at the conventional level. If they continue on the current path, its likely the frontline will collapse soon.
>>1027379 Without help, Ukraine has no chance. At least in a conventional fight.
Post number #1029370, ID: 863125
Is the Gremlin a real palce? Discuss
Post number #1031200, ID: 389172
WTF I saw this thread and though to myself "the gremlin???" but the title is normal? I think a gremlin is manipulating us! Maybe using the same tactics like: Downing aircraft Conspiracy theories promoting emotive stories that aren't sure to be true talking to commentors becoming a nazi and a ukrainian too Let's watch out and NOT live in russia and be rich.
Post number #1031741, ID: cae35d
Linus Torvalds is a KGB agent
Post number #1033943, ID: b71f8a
Love to masturbate
Post number #1040323, ID: 707390
not today or tomorrow SOMETHING will agree that all manmking should rule itself in peace some place beneath the stars or wells, or mayber, above tha stairway to heaven by led zepellin, the one that flies above our heads.
Post number #1046637, ID: a18310
You guys should understand that there is no good propaganda. It's a war between 2 corrupt shiteholes. You don't need to pick a side.
Post number #1047104, ID: 3e9881
>>1046637 >"bOtH sIdEs ArE eQaLlY bAd" t.brainlet
Post number #1047170, ID: 389172
I think the russia is much worse because they have more corruption as I understand it and torture and kill more of their people who try to stop that -the second statement is better proven.
Sometimes both sides ARE equally bad though! Particularly when one is only speaking about badness or goodness in one main domain. She might be right russia is equally poor- but the important thing is Ukraine has less torture and can develop more.
Post number #1047171, ID: 389172
And that’s the really important thing! Is to quantify statements and work for the less bad thing I think! I recently watched the Paul Harrell video on mass shootings, and I think that was something I took away from it. That it’s bad to say ‘I need my solution completely!’ Unless everyone already agrees with you. Rather, it’s good to find common goals and take options which move towards those common goals. And corrupt shitholes are bad and we want to stop the worst one getting bigger
Total number of posts: 141,
last modified on:
Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1741309916
| The volume of Russian disinformation seeking to frame Ukraine as a threat to justify military action by Russia has more than doubled in the past weeks. Russian state-linked social media and news outlets are amplifying claims – without evidence – of attacks and plots blamed on Ukrainian forces against Russian separatists.
The Kremlin has a track record of using false information to create confusion and doubt when trying to avoid blame for an attack or to create an excuse to act.