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just played Superbrothers: Sword & Sorcery

| g/u/rls I didn't play it a decade ago because I thought it was just dumb indie mainstream garbage which everyone talked about.
finally played it over the last few weeks (had to wait for the irl moon cycle because I didn't find the grotto).

g/u/rls its amazing.
now there is nobody to talk to about it.
me dumb.

| I played through it on my ipod touch a million years ago and thought it was super cool. Don't remember much about it now because my brain is full of worms. Might give it a replay on my PC, I'm sure I got it in some bundle over the years.

| Yeah, it's a pretty neat game.

| I also got it a decade ago but haven't touched it so if I get around to it I'll give you a holla.

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1705355269

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