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Momodora 4 is out

| I remember there's a few g/u/rls here who are excited about this game.


| Hell yeah, can't wait to finish work so I can try it out~

| Time to quit my job, Imma really do it this time

| https://store.steampowered.com/app/1772830/Rusted_Moss/
Ngl I kinda like this game over the 3rd game? It's more in line with Rain world than it. But I remembered at least in some boss fights and enemies in it felt like once you got a pattern down, all thats left to do is it being faster or with new move. But with this game's bungie, it puts more emphasis on impov strats, thus they feel more fun to replay.

| Finaly

| Always found the pacing in these to feel unpolished

| I'm not very far in yet, but I'm having a really good time with it so far! The exploration feels really nice and the boss fights are excellent. Still trying to decode the runes! I guess my only complaint is having big question marks on every room with hidden stuff kinda makes finding things a bit too easy, but I can definitely see why they did it. Some stuff would be almost impossible to find otherwise.

| Oh, and I love the little references to previous Momodora games~

| Oh, that's neat! "Reverie Under the Moonlight" is one of the few indie games with anime girl MC-likes that I enjoyed.

| Just beat it, that was really fun! Definitely recommend it to anybody who enjoyed RUtM.

| Too broke rn but will keep this in mind

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1705302123

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