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| Do you know where can I get torrents for PlayStation 3 games? I have been trying to download them directly from various sites that they always screw up in the middle of download and that the best I can just get two or four gigabytes.

| Get something like jdownloader to download them

Also check out NoPayStation it's download links directly from Sony, I think there's even a homebrew that will download them on your console itself

| ps3 has no gaems

| >>991274 idk everything I know is that russians pirated all internet

| Try myrient

| Pkgi

| >>991304 funny is, this single console have more games than all Xbox consoles in 1

| >>991540 yep that's the homebrew I was thinking of

| >>991623 i have no experience i have physical ps3 copies because they are cheap. But i have pkgj on vita and it's works perfectly

| >>991642 I prefer to use digital because I don't want to abuse the drive and discs. Console is quiet too

| >>991651 my drive in ps2 sadly died.. but if you don't use it, i think it's just wasted feature little.. personally i like digital distribution on pc.. but in consoles, second-hand is so cheap that digital can never get so low.. for example the last of us under 8€, fighting collection under 20€ (ttt2, soulcalibur v, tekken 6), destiny under 4€, heavy rain under 4 etc.. but i was playing mainly exclusives and just as "extra", pc is my main platform

| These prices was before 2018 in germany, idk them right now

| >>991660 why do they call it germany if there are 0 jermas in the entire state

| >>991661 my english is little poor, and I don't have idea what jerman mean or how germamy name come from.. so I'm sorry to not get joke

I don't even come from Germany but i liked to shopping in gamestop

| >>991666 this g/u/rl ain't a jermamite! Devour her!

| Wtf do you know that's illegal op???? How can you so brazenly break the law?

| >>991523 bless you, jdownloader works with it fine

| >>991928 nevermind, it crashed, but I will download it through ftp!

| >>991929 strangely ftp on both winscp and filezilla timed me out
I checked their FAQ and I just downloaded Free Download Manager instead of JDownloader.
It is downloading!
I will suck your g/u/rlcock.

| >>991910 in some countries it's legal, for example in Russia. in some European countries it's legal have copy if you legally one

| >>991304 you sound like a Pyrocinical fan

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1704317318

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