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Favorite easter eggs?

| Mine has to be Sonic CD's sekrit radios, where there's a bunch of random stuff devs snuck in like buff sonic and another where sonic's face is replaced with one of the devs while some creepy (or upbeat for japanese version) song plays on the background

| adore any sort of inexplicably creepy easter eggs, like gta's cryptids or the tree things in mario galaxy. one of my most favorites was renderman in blockland, always wish mojang did something similar with herobrine

| The secret mission in Starcraft Brood War blew my mind as a kid.

| >>989066
Wasn't that more of a myth that turned into a mod? I do love me some blockland though

| apparently Yoshi is a soviet icon in the 3ds remaster of MGS3

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1702080509

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