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Guys, I need your help

| https://archive.org/details/vegas-pro-14_202308

Is this safe? I Need it so I can make my Minecraft hardcore series/srs

| no comments no trust.
I'd apply my common sense and do not risk it.
So you may can try to apply your experience of the softwares installed from the archive and maybe the equation will become positive.
May try to find a more busy piracy place where people have got the same thing you seek and clearly a decent number have gone through it in and out safely while also having some clearly not retarded bots comments to read

| After common sense try doing some virus scans of the files before any .exe or whatever. Things like virustotal are decent for basic double checks.
I've heard things like sandboxes where you can limit and run the whole thing without a direct connection to the pc.
Not really the scientist here but I hope I've helped a little.
Good luck

| As last idea you could check the uploader and give a deeper look. I'm nobody to help with that today tho.

| probabilistically talking, here the funny case scenarios
1 get virus/miner or whatever is these years' bad boy
2 it doesn't work (nay)
3 stuck on install (needs other shits or it's lolololing)
4 it works (yay)
and than maybe add a combination of these here and there.

| ngl I had fun writing for these few minutes

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1697160887

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