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Local Multiplayer and Spitscreen

| Any suggestions?

| elona

| Soul knight


| Screenpeak

| eumlate dokapon kingdom for wii so that your friends can plot to kill you

| Because you didn't specify what you're looking for or what kind of genre you gals like to play I'm only gonna recommend games made by Ace Team such as The Deadly Tower of Monsters, Abyss Odyssey, Zeno Clash 2 and the Rock of Ages games.

Let me know if you play games made by any other studios and I drop more recommendations.

| Nidhogg (the first is neat af... second one is weird)
also Cortex Command.
Blowing up half the map with a modded space marine only to get nearly crushed by a falling Star Destroyer and then get jumped by a space cowboy with a chainsaw rocket launcher never gets old.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1697250340

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