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Snow in games

| Could be entire game or a stage as long as there's snow

| Sonic 3

| The first part of NieR

| Basically all farming games like harvest moon and stardew valley always have a season where it's snowy.

| The snow level in Metroid Prime 2 was fucking epic

| Lost Planet 1 set entirely in the snow.

| >>968898
Nuhu, sometimes you're inside and there's no snow inside. Checkmate athetist!

| >>968751
Sonic Adventure as well

| Deep Rock Galactic has a pretty cool snow biome for missions every now and then. Fighting against a swarm of bugs in the middle of a blizzard with the only visibility coming from your gunfire is quite the experience.

| I ADORE the snow in Cortex Command. Especially because there is one mod with which you can add snowing weather into the maps... you play and slowly the snow fills up the map while you trudge through making your little caves through it and then RATATATATA you shoot through the snow to hit someone.
Sometimes you walk around and realize OH SHIT no snow is falling right here and run and jetpack to cover as a dropship swoops in. Lots of fun!!!

| The suicide of Rachel Foster

| super mario 63 and 64

| >>969480
Banjo Kazooie also have a really comfy snow level. Especially if you live in the parts of the world that celebrates christmas.

| The Long Dark. The canadian wilderness in that game just feels so scary and cozy at the same time

| The snowy areas in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Death Stranding

| Sekiro shadows die twice. Beginning area is snowy

| Phendrana Drifts in Prime 1 is always a masterpiece. Especially when the music really kicks in.

Pokemon has regular snow and on special dates, that snow is replaced with diamond dust which is pretty cool. Nothing but a visual change, but even with that in mind it was still super cool back in the day to randomly find.

| outside

| Elden Ring fire giant area

| Let me think
Skyrim (especially skyrim)
Some maps of Team Fortress 2
Genshin Impact
Uhh those are the ones I can rember now


| Undertale. Sans home is in a snow

| Pokemon Diamond/Platinum Snowpoint city, the best snow area in any pokemon game

| Perfect Cherry Blossom.

| We Love Katamari

| >>970086 nuclear winter you mean?

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1692892397

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