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Looking for Rail Shooters suggestions

| I've played Time Crisis, The Ocean Hunter, House of the Dead, Sin & Punishment: Star Successor, and Blue Estate. I've even played GalGun. It's really hard to find good rail shooters, and it's even harder to find them outside an arcade. Anyone have any suggestions?

| I know there's a Resident Evil one my dad used to play. Idk if it's good or not though

| blue estate? if you like boobs

| >>966484 ohh lol you writed it.. same about house of the dead

| >>966484 Wii Play, duck game from s/nes.. idk dead genre tbh..

| I liked Vampire Night for the PS2 or whatever it was called because it had tons of hidden alternative paths you could take, like getting up onto the buildings and jumping from rooftop to rooftop in the first level which was awesome.

Ninja Assault was also pretty good. These are ps2-era games though.

| Definitely invest into some Wii ports through Dolphin. Bonus points setting it up with VR or any other input method than a Wii Mote since latency sucks.

Check out Ghost Squad!

| >>966551 Yeah it's pretty dead, which is sad - it's really good mindless fun.

>>966554 Thanks for the suggestions! I'll check those out.

>>966585 I set up Dolphin with mouse and keyboard, it's pretty smooth. And thanks for mentioning Ghost Squad! I remember playing it years ago in arcades, but I completely forgot until you said it.

| For the PS1, there's Elemental Gearbolt

| How did nobody mention Rambo the video game lmao

| tetris

| Typing of the dead? It IS a railshooter, but I dunno if ya want to do quick typing if you want mindless fun.

| >>966969 i prefer hello kitty puzzle party

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1691272448

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