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Small game engines

| Looking for something like
Butwith more features. Equally small. 2 Mb or so

| Your tiny penis

| >>964019 larger than your brain, apparently.

| >>b34b49 woooooo

| >>bf7f02 mindblownnnn

| >>b34b49 in there s any mind anyway

| >>964018

| Game maker 8(.1) Pro

| Pico-8? (it's paid though)


PuzzleScript? (puzzle game only)

Narrat? (narrative RPG only)

Asking for both "equally small" and "with more features" is pushing it, tho. What kind of game do you want to make?

| >>bf7f02 OP is 50k-chan, just so everyone know. He didn't get enough replies on /d/, so he's posting here

| >>422f30 this is also him, with his ip changed. He always ask for links to guides and tutorials but do jack shit with it. When asked what he is actually doing, he can't give a straight answer.

| >>964046 it is older version, after they start make game maker studio 1,2 etc.

| >>964065
Yeah, I guessed as much by now. Shame. Could be a good discussion if the op actually have a game in mind instead of just fishing and schizoposting.

| GB Studio 3, you can literally make Game Boy games, when you finish coding (the engine works with you coding or not coding and using the visual interface), you compile the game and the result is a .gb file, you can play that on a GB emulator, a real GB or an Analogue Pocket.


| >>964065 not sure what d go on and get nuts i guess
>>964066 not like u ever teach anything than how to cage like loomis. So i excuses you since they say some can do but not teach so... why not fuck off to your employment and climb the corporate ladder than trying to be a teacher here? It s not your forte. Using imgur too. Or maybe its cuz you are retarded too.
>>964075 get your own idea then, genius. Forum is not all discussion. But whatever the dickbags wanna say i guess.

| >>964069 ...a link will do. I cant fidnd em.
>>964104 its not 2 MB

| >>964066 i wrote a longer version of my complaint on you and psure this guy is your buddy https://boards.4channel.org/co/thread/138294762#p138297784

So here s to you both : not like u ever teach anything than how to cage like loomis, so i guess thats just your entire glossary and vocabulary.

Why not uh"go home"& maybe reread again whatever necessary metricfact that you cant even speak out before you come here and asking for whatevr loomis that you dont even have metrìc on anyway.


| >>964144 I don't go to 4ch and refuse to click you link, you fucking scizo. I've been lurking here for years and I can recognize you because no other gurls have the terminal case of scizo + ESL like you.

Just stay there, I'm sure you belong there

| >>964158 >>964159 well what a boring response.
I was sure you two are friends based on the same low iq response you both do.
I can rest easy now.knowing idiocy dont spread easily and band together forming the great wall of china; mixing the gold and shit in one same conversation.

| >>964170 tell me, are these "two friends" in the room with us? Show me on the doll where the "two friends" hurt you.

| >>964172 ...there is no room in dangeru.

| >>964144 omg xdd it's makes me believe it's 50k chan but it's? Is she on 4chan? This is my existential question tbh xd

>>964159 it's fun honestly xd

| I can't believe does 50k actually trying make art but failing it successfully?

| >>964193 only half of that clearly. Otherwise i wont consider your lengthy boring loomis cage useful.

| Even 4chan called you an ESL and said that you have to practice harder


Trully a scizo moment, how can people in here know that you'll post yout shit on 4chan and then predict correctly that you are going to post it in /co/? You think 4chan is your personal blog?

| >>964231 anyone can tell anyone to practice harder. Dropouts and wasteout teachers throw that tantrum for free. Cunts like you do it while paying me extra attenton. You got ten on 4chan, now you are 11. How special are you?

| >>964231
Damn aint you dumb. I put you two for the laughes. Lol mayb go back to school again so you can learn to talk smart and not short bumps while thinking you are smart... and then lose balls 3 seconds later. Bad for health. Your, health. Mental health.

As in you are mentally duck and freeze, so go out, give up the inter-nerd.

I should just ignore you but then your mum will claim you hanged yourself cuz i ignored ya

| >>964241
siapa pun dapat menyuruh siapa pun untuk berlatih lebih keras. Anak putus sekolah dan guru yang tidak berguna membuat ulah secara gratis. Pelacur sepertimu melakukannya sambil memberiku perhatian ekstra. Kau dapat nilai 10 di 4chan, sekarang kau 11. Seberapa istimewa kamu?

| >>964242
Sialan kau bodoh. Saya menempatkan kalian berdua untuk tertawa. Lol mungkin kembali ke sekolah lagi agar kalian bisa belajar bicara cerdas dan tidak asal bicara sambil berpikir bahwa kalian pintar... dan kemudian kehilangan akal sehat 3 detik kemudian. Buruk untuk kesehatan. Anda, kesehatan. Kesehatan mental.

Seperti dalam mental Anda bebek dan membeku, jadi keluarlah, hentikan inter-nerd.

| Aku seharusnya mengabaikanmu tapi kemudian ibumu akan mengklaim kau gantung diri karena aku mengabaikanmu.

| >>964244 >>964245 good job. Nice start asking google translate. I guess my english is just fine isnt it?
Maybe you need to brush up your reading skills.

Or maybe i should just ignore you alltogether from here on. Wastes of my time.

| >>8b7092 have you find the unicorn yet or are you too busy picking fights online

| >>964259 well i m just blending in like you. Not necessarily going into places and shouting nonsense like you

| >>964266 I guess you haven't found an acceptable game engine

| >>964307 tru that

Total number of posts: 36, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1689633497

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