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What's a game that you've picked up recently?

| For me, I bought a game called MMO Tycoon 2. It's still in EA, but it's actually quite fun building an MMO from the ground up, even if balancing your own game can be a little difficult.

| I picked up this game called Kingdoms and Castles. It's nice, like Cities Skylines but medieval and like, smaller, tinier. It's very comfy.

| I picked up Project Diva Megamix. Still suck bc i just started playing it but Miku's a girlboss so I had to.

| I've been playing XCom Enemy Unknown lately. I've been enjoying it, but the most fun ways to play it definitely aren't the best ways to play.

I also just bought Arcadia Fallen tonight. I like it, it has a lot of features I wish others VNs had. Even if the art can be a bit wanting in places.

| I've been playing Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. It's really fun! Definitely one of the best CRPGs I've played. It really nails the feeling of leading a righteous crusade against an overwhelming force of evil.

| I recently replayed all the Kingdom Rush games, still one of my favorite tower defense series.

Also picked up Pascal's Wager, and so far I love its story

| Hydroneer needed a new game automation ish while I wait for satisfactory to update, which is what I'm playing while I wait for Factorio dlc

I might need help

| elona

| Monster Hunter 3
Underwater combat is a good 1st attempt. It generally harder to hit specific parts of the enemy. I think it's intentional, You have more control over positioning, so most monsters are faster underwater. What likely isn't is weapon balance. Weapons where you have to get really close in order to hit struggle with the speed(Sword n Shield,dual blades,Hammer). But weapons like Long sword, Gunlance and lance at feel slightly more slow/agile.

| Idk if it actually because the devs went in and buff the mobility weapons like Gl given it's lack of it on land, or that their move sets are more versatile in water.The skill that let you swim faster underwater should have been the default.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1687813607

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