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Playthrough with new and old players

| This summer I plan to run a playthrough with my friends. 5 of us are familiar with most games, but 2 friends don't really play that much. Was thinking of the usual minecraft or terraria, should I change anything up from the base game to keep it newbie friendly while still being engaging for people that have played before? Or do you know any similar games we could all try?

| I would say terraria but the beginning of the game is very slow and as a new player can be really boring so minecraft for new people is better.
another option can be golf it or golf with friends, pretty simple to play.
garlic phone.
the jackbox games have a lot of variety
ironically among us too.
meaby tabletop simulator?

| Don't forget about MicroWorks! The F2P party game that's best with friends!

| If your friends are into shooters, Deep Rock Galactic is a great pick! You'd need a mod to have more than 4 players in a lobby, but beyond that the game is great for veterans and newbies playing together.

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1686631740

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