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earthbound-like games

| nothing came close to the sort of atmosphere earthbound has, everything else inspired by it seem so corny. what gives, really?

| play the mother series
it's a lot like earthbound

| >>950141 i enjoyed mother 1, bit grindy though
mother 3 has an entirely different theme

| >>950139 try Corpse Party: Blood Covered: Repeated Fear, its a horror theme Earthbound, with the same kind of comedy too

| Paperboy 1989

| >>950146 play the 25th anniversary hack its the best version

| Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass is very VERY heavily inspired on Mother 3/Earthbound. It's pretty good!

This one is not so much but LISA: The Painful is a must. It's very different but everybody [me included] lumps the game with the mother saga for it's storytelling and characters... even tho LISA is very heavy themed.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1680892216

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