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When did you first play minecraft?

| Summer 2011 for me. I was 6 years old

| I remember the most recent update at the time had added fences, so according to the wiki it must've been somewhere around August/September 2010. I was 15.

| When it was a free beta thing you could play on a browser, I think? Must've been 2010.

| 1.7.3 was first version what i played, i don't remember when..

i remember when i destroyed a lot blocks and confused why i don't have them in inventory.. than i noticed weird rotating things on ground, so i was hitting them because was scary xD than i understood that it's items to pick up xd ohh and my first building, 2 floor luxury dirt villa, using blocks instead stairs xd but i had glass ceiling! and windows from glass! and wooden doors, torch because i was scared of zombies xd

| >>950068 "Minecraft Classic", it is sadly down. It was fun because of "MCForge" and "MCStorm" modded servers. i was enjoying it more than original minecraft one time ^^ also there existed demo.

another thing what i built was 5x5 cobblestone tower with rotating stairs in 3x3 area and 1x1 cobble thing in middle.. and in every 1/4 there was block and 3 glasses blocks.. and i think that in between flors was torch but i don't remember xd my mc art, i will never forget it xd

| it was fun see clouds inside tower.. than i reached map limit xd

| 1.8.1 beta in September 2011, that was great.

| whenever you could play it in browser on their website. 2012? it was very laggy for me but i thought it was cool.

| i've never played it on a pc nor have played with others...

| Probably 2013-14? mostly on the phone version. I remember playing it on a windows vista office pc from like 2008, running it at around 30-25 fps.
that being said thought,I was watching MC youtubers at least a year or two prior.

| If I had to guess 2015. Maybe? Started replaying it and it's a very cozy game.

| 2011. Sometime during the java beta 1.4 version.
I remember being so lost because I've never seen a game so creative. Also, soon after the 1.5 came out and added rain, which was sich a MASSIVE atmospheric addition.

... I miss the daya where the updates felt like the game was actially improving :c

| Early 2011, Beta 1.3 was released

| >>950464 small additions were significant back then. If you look at what B1.0-B1.7.3 have added in total, you could compare it to just a single update of today's Minecraft. For me the game felt pretty much complete around 1.2 release version, though up to 1.12 everything was nice additions and polishing. 1.13 and above is bloated.

| Pocket edition lite back in 2011 or 2012

| 2010ish

| Around 2010 for me was in my early 20s maybe.

| Spring break in 2012. I hit up a friend from school and he hosted a server for us. I still tear up when I hear the c418 song titled Minecraft, it was the first one that played for me, as we were packing up our stuff and travelling the coast looking for a place to build a permanent base.

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1681143932

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