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Fire Emblem Engage is good

| Out of all FE games I've played this is easily my favourite. The stands add so much build variety that makes for really fun and unique units, the maps so far (I'm slightly under halfway cause I'm taking my time doing every side mission and some skirmishes) are mostly really fun and there's only, like, 2 minutes of story between each mission (which imo is how games should be, I'd rather play the story than watch it)

Ik a lot ot FE fans don't like it, but I'm super happy with it

| Oh, and idk if it was like this in the last game or not, but I really like the current support classes. I didn't mind how they did it before, but tbh I really like the whole monk thing and the staffs being resources

| elona

Total number of posts: 3, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1676709501

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