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What are you guys' thoughts on the Parasite Eve series

| I have been planning to play it and just wanted to collect some opinions on it.

| elona

| I can't wait for sukevan to make they're inspired project based on it.

It's like watching an old cop cereal but if it was anime and the writer just discovered Wikipedia.

| The only one I've played was The 3rd Birthday (the bad one) and it was ridiculous. The story's terrible, the gameplay's occasionally frustrating, but the vibes was immaculate, in a way. Terrible game but I did keep playing to the end and didn't regret it?

The older Parasite Eve should be better, from what I've heard.

| First game is great.

| Nice to hear good stuff about it, makes me anticipate the journey more

| Nice to hear good stuff about it, makes me anticipate the journey more.
Also sorry for the guy who played 3rd birthday, have heard horror stories about that one

| just watched part 1 of vinesauce vinny's playthrough. looks sick. i haven't played much ps1 games but it certainly stands out from the ones i have played. getting that shit soon.

| I played the first one and its great, super great vibes, unique gameplay and a nice classic 90s plot with all the funnest tropes and cliches. The inventory and equipment management can get a bit boring at times though.

| Picked up the forst two, played a bit of the first to test the disc, loved it, haven't gone back to it yet. Thanks for the reminder, I should really play more

| Did you see the update video to Sukebans game? Looks amazing

| fantastic first 2 games, dont play third birthday

| i was absolutely OBSESSED with the first game and the Chrysler Building aftergame

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1676239177

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