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popular games those you understand why

| Dota 2

| elona

| umm uhh Overwatch?

| ... Zelda?

| zeldeese nuts

| what's with these engrish posts

| >>939834
no seriously its fuckin weird

i know the board is sparsely populated but are these bots or what?

| I know this sound scary, but there are people that didn't have english as their native language

| >>940084 just put in more effort you lazy shitgobbler

| >>940084 yes, english is not my native or second language. I make grammar mistake and spelling all over the place. But I still try to make my shitpost understandable.

| Why are y'all acting like this is unreadable or some shit? It's not hard to think for half a second

| >>940084
my post wasn't a diss towards foreign language speakers.
i assume OP is asking about games with popularity that you find odd or confusing?

| >>5a66f0 here

| >>940192
mine was
if you can't speak english lock your doors we are coming for you o_o

| >>940155 because OP didn't even make a slight effort to spark any dicsussion in thread. With that title, she could write someting like "Dota 2, LOL and smite are better game. Change my mind" or something like that.

| >>fe7c86
Dota 2, LOL and smite are better game. Change my mind

| >>fe7c86
How are you so comfortable making such statement.

| There exists today a universal language that is spoken and understood almost everywhere: it is Broken English. I am referring to the general language that is used by the waiters in Hawaii, prostitutes in Paris and ambassadors in Washington, by businessmen from Buenos Aires, by scientists at international meetings and by dirty-postcard pictures peddlers in Greece. English itself is broken because it has so many pieces and parts from other languages.

| Skyrim

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1675558575

This thread is permanently archived