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Story heavy VS Story light

| Idk if I'm the only one who cares about this, but I wish there was an easy way to find out if a game is story heavy or not. Like an HLTB but for story
Before I start a new RPG I wanna know if I'm getting Persona 5 or SMT3 yk? Is there gonna be constant dialogue and 50% just reading or is there gonna be 5 important sentences every 1-2 hours. I always try to find out before I buy/start a new game but half the time I can't even find a single thing online that mentions it

| >>936086 i can may recommend reviews and youtube, you can open 3 hours gameplay and click randomly on time line, than you can little idea if you see mostly actions, dialogues, cut scenes etc.

| elona

| >>936089
I hate being spoiled on games though, and that takes a long time. I do usually end up either doing that or just finding out myself, but it's so annoying. I feel like it's a pretty important thing to know, so there being no site or anything to easily find out sucks

| >>936108 you will more likely get spoiled by any related meme than random 60 seconds from 10-20 random parts of game..

| >>936217
Ok? I don't look at vidya meme compilations or whatever, so that's not an issue for me. I just want an easy way to find out without getting spoiled. I think that's reasonable

| People consider SMT IV to put more emphasis on cut scenes than most of the other games. And I'd say it would go under "important cut scenes every 1-2 hours".

| >>936423

| >>936424
G/u/rl is saying that whether a game is story-heavy or story-light can be pretty subjective.

A website where you can kinda vote, maybe on a slider, of how heavy the story of a game is would be pretty neat. But that's gonna need a lot of people to contribute to be meaningful.

Or you can just rely on Steam tags, idk.

| >>936539
Oh, yeah. Ik it's subjective, but with a 3 sliders or something and enough people using the site I think it could give fairly decent results. It's just a thought

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1672842173

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