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"Adult" MMORPG

| Just wondering if there is a "traditional" MMO that allows player's characters to perform sex acts on each other?

I don't mean online porn games or social games like Second Life but rather something more like WoW but with sex.

Also, would you play such a game if it exists?

| Minecraft

| Uterus eater simulator

| elona

| I think it's possible with some alterations in the Final Fantasy one, but idk how and I think it's against TOS. Not sure though

| No because making an MMORPG is expensive and take years, even AAA dev can go bankrupt if they spend millions for an MMO and it doesn't print money like covid. Adding unecessary shit like porn/sex will severely limit your target audience and that's the opposite of what MMO should strive for.

There is a reason why mobile games with borderline softcore porn content are trying so hard to censor clevage and ass crack; trying to skirt around chinese censorship law

| Closest I can think of is Scarlet Blade, which was more just *really* horny. Look it up, you'll see what I mean.

| Putting as much porn as possible while still passing regulations is pretty much all utopists dream.

| On that note; are there any multiplayer H-games? I haven't seen any other then Project Helius, and that one really isn't that good.

| >>934822 have you heard of sex

| There is, it's called real life. You gotta try it sometimes

| >>934827 But I live in the simulation.

| >>934827 it's new version of second life? where can i download it?

| >>934827 Getting to endgame in real-life is too difficult. I prefer easier, less time-consuming games

| roblox

| I believe Second Life and its rip-offs are the closes thing, but not so sure about the "rpg" part.

The closest thing right now is Sims 4 with multiplayer and sex mods, still no rpg aventure elements, and Skyrim Together with multiplayer and sex mods too, but the later I have no proof it works right now, as it looks like no one shares that info on the Internet

| If you buy it yourself it's an adult game

| For this kind of stuff there's always MUDs/MOOs. I used to play one called Hellmoo which had sex tied into its gameplay mechanics. For instance, your hornyness levels effected all your dice rolls, most of them negatively (except for hand2hand combat/wrestling which made you do more damage for some reason...). Fun times. I wonder if its still around.

| >>683366
I think Starbound have sex mods and it shouldn't be too demanding to host large servers for that game.

| >>683366
I think Starbound have sex mods and it shouldn't be too demanding to host large servers for that game.

| Sex is a multiplayer experience. It can even be an mmo if you convince enough people.

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1672143072

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