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My new favorite point and click

| I have a huge game recommendation guys.
It's called Outside the Box.
Is on steam.
God I loved it so much.
It's a bit buggy tho, and very short.

| >>916854 elon dez nuts got her

| Is it called tokifuji's outside the box or is it another game called lutside the box?

| >>925659 it's made and drawn by tokifuji.
I loved discovering all the glitches and bugs in it, and it's such a cute and exciting story.

| play Deponia

| >>926006 ive liked tokifujis doujins so ill try checking out the game if i have the time

| >>926178 Yes!

| oh... it's porn...

| >>926511

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1666814516

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