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What year does VA11 take place in exactly?

| I remember doing it once before and judging by the numbers of days and weeks I ended up with 2072 and 2078, but I'm not entirely sure because I did it quite some time ago, so I'd need to analyze it again.
207x is not the good answer

| 207X

| >>902817 the hood answer

| Good*

| idk ask anna

| 2077

| Megaman 200X > Megaman X 20XX > VA-11 Hall-A 207X > Cyberpunk 2077

| >>903120 wake up samurai

| >>464085 we have a city to burn [cool cyberpunk music]

| 2077

| If you can connect the day of the week to its specific date then it should be trivial to figure out. I can't remember if they ever mention any weekdays or weekends though.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1666450161

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