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Lost and or forgoten mobile games

| De-listed ports, severs are long gone etc.

| elona

| Fallen london i believe, its a lovecraftian inspired text game but it isnt availible any more

| Flappy bird

| >>901682
That's because managing both the app and the web version is too much of a waste, so instead they took down the app and made the web version more mobile compatible. You can still play it and it's still getting constant updates https://www.fallenlondon.com

| Ayakashi Ghost Guild. Probably one of the shittiest gacha game experience I've ever had, but there was something about it that made me keep in on my phone before Zynga pulled the plug.

| Robot Unicorn Attack

- Call of Mini: Infinity
- Enterchained
- Oh My Heroes!

| Gunslinger The Fastest Gun, was top 10 in that game

| Angry Birds Star Wars 1 and 2 are literally off the stores, and they are literally the BEST angry birds games

| Plants vs Zombies 1, the good version.
Now it's a forced free game with ads and its broken in many many levels.
- Paying for no ads doesn't even work
- There is no save cloud function, you can't even access the game's files (so you can't make backups), you can't even transfer to other devices. This means if somehow your savefile corrupts you have to beat the game from the beggining to unlock the fun modes

| Toram online, sweet mmo that recently had a decent PC port. Population dips majorly sometimes but still a good play.

| >>902587 toram isn't really forgotten. Iruna though...

| >>902506 You could download the the ROM from like the DSIware version and try and play it through an emulator on your phone.

| Elin

| game dev story, probably one best games what i ever played on phone

| >>901796 i used to play call of mini coz my parents wouldn't let me play fps like cod or halo lol

| >>901739
woa... how could I forgot the existence of this game

| farty poop, basically flappy bird but it was a shit flying around the sewers

| Spirit Stones

| >>3da687 yooooo I played the shit out of this when I was younger

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1666556239

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