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Opinions on pirating Games

| It is what the title says what is your opinion on pirating games.

| stealing from corporations is always morally justified

| All art should be free, but also feel free to support artists who deserve it and need it.

| If I want a game but can't afford it, I'll try to pirate it. Don't care who made the game, don't care about morality. I'm poor, I live in a shithole, and I want that damn game.
This means most non-indie games are unaffordable to me, which is convenient because I mostly play indie crap these days.

| Pirating is always okay, but I will buy a game I enjoyed, esepcially if it's indie, always wanna support indie devs

| Pirating is the reason why all games should be free* (but still encouraged to donate money to the developers if they did a good job) that way everyone is happy

| I pirate then buy if I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the game. I don't buy if it was just a time waster. I don't buy if it was just decent.

| Like what the other g/u/rls here say, we save the money for the indie devs who deserve it. Pirating games from greedy publishers is A-Okay

| >>899561 If you can't afford it, i think that it's ok. Me personally i was pirating on consoles.. And later i bought really a lot of these games on Steam later.. Real question is, is pirating of movies ok? I think that it's ethically totally same, and most people doesn't care, and they will watch stream of it from anywhere.. But there is probably also problems with distribution sometimes xd
Also i think that pirating of abandonware is always acceptable since you can't get

| from official distribution

| Piracy can be useful for testing to see if the game runs on your PC too.

| Even if you don't support piracy (though it seems like that's not a common opinion among gamers), it's worth noting that piracy is the only option for most people to play older console games. You had a good time with Xenoblade and want to play the previous entries in the Xeno series? $100 for Gears, $400+ for the three Saga games. The backbone of game preservation is piracy.

| "You wouldn't download a car", bitch, I contested that statement when I was 10.

| >>899673 tbh i would download a car or house if it was possible xd

| Can I download a $50k salary?

| or where i can download better personality? Or gf? xd

| Elona

| >>899570 I beg to differ. Everything BUT art should be free. Everyone deserves food, health, and convenience, but art? That's luxury. Now pay up dipshit. (I didn't mean the last word it just funnier that way)

| I think if you like the franchise, hyped up and want to play day 1, pirated it and like the game from start to finish, then you should be buying it.

Even if you can't afford it now, 1-2 years down the line it will be discounted by 30-50% and there's no excuse anymore.

But it we are talking about AAA game with day 1 dlcs, season passes, micro transactions, and in bed with denuvo, then it is a must pirate for me.

| >>899743 Same for me I guess

| >>899570 Then how is the artist gonna make that sweet sweet money you doofus

| >>899570 I actually agree with that statement. Not just art, but any cultural assets should be freely accessible by anyone.

At the same time I feel like artists should make money from their work and in our current world they need copyright laws to make it (although I feel that these laws are harmful for consumers).

responding to OP: pirating games is neither good nor bad. Just do whatever feels right to do.

| I don't mind robbing a megacorp that will likely not notice my involvement, but I feel like a cocksucker for punching someone who is just like me, to take something from them that probably took them a vast amount of time and hardship to create.

I also don't need video games to live, and the market is such now that if there's something I want but cannot have, I can probably find a replacement. I'm less considerate with porn games, though. There's a lot of asset flipped junk and its difficult to tell what's actually worth the money and what isn't, so I'll often pirate these games and then buy them on DLSite later (when possible).

| To be clear, you don't have as much of an asset flip problem with non-porn games with the possible exception of RPG Maker titles. Most of the asset flipped Unreal engine and Unity trash are pretty obvious.

| Wheter you are on the side of pirating or anti-piracy, you should mind your own business and don't judge the other side, one has their own reason to spend the money or not.
You should see it as entering in a coffee shop and the service is so terrible someone is spitting on the tables. Something has to be wrong when the shop prefers to spend resources on anti-spitting measures instead of having a better service. You choose to tolerate the service, leave or join the spitting

| >>899853 But don't spit in my coffee pls.

| As an indie gamedev I lose motivation hearing flippant pro piracy arguments but I do support piracy for preservation and those shut out due to location. Being poor isn't really an excuse for me, I grew up poor and I played the same game over and over because we couldn't afford them.

| >>900183 i'm not sure about your location, but what about third-world countries? And these where people can barely buy any hardware?

| >>900183
As an indie gamedev I'm fine with poor people not paying for my game. If you're so disadvantaged that you can't even afford to put $10 towards entertainment, it's probably better if you pirate it.

It sucks that you lose motivation when people don't want to or can't pay for your products, but every time I encounter someone like you I lose a little bit of faith in people.

And you can't really judge peoples actions against how you acted when you were a kid, now can you?

| >>900200 The irony is I think a majority of poor people actually pay for shit. It's people who can afford it who flippantly pirate the most. I spend thousands of hours and risk my health to make games. If I charge 5 bucks for it, it's cause I don't want to starve.

| >>900200 >>900227 >>900199 >>900183
I live in a 3rd world country and I can confirm, that I pirate every game I've played because I literally can't afford expending my little money in videogames/entertainment or else we would starve

| A hard copy of silent hill 3 goes for $300 even without the box, pirating is the way to go with certain circumstances. Anything else is illegal

| >>900183
So uh... you lose motivation because of strangers saying that they will be doing something to things that doesn't exist yet in the future?

Don't worry, unless you are making minecraft 2.0, most people wouldn't know your game exist, resulting less people pirating it.

| >>900227
Uh, you think that people who can't afford to pay for games are the ones who are paying for them? What kind of mental gymnastics did you have to jump trough in order to reach such a conclusion?

Major DOUBT on your worldview, dawg.

| >>b4cb53 >>e13f6c nah, I'm pretty poor and I've bought basically every game I own. I'm not like, third world country poor though that's a different story, and I do know people who can afford to buy games but pirate them anyway and it is kind of irritating.

Unless it's from a triple A company, those fuckers have more than enough money to spare and are still installing malware into their games to stop piracy, even though it's been proven countless time that shit stops nobody.

| >>4c9c27 I also know a lot of indie devs that are greatful someone took the time to just play through their game, and even leave cute messages at the end of a pirated copy that says thanks and they understand if you can't afford to pay for it

| >>900263 related https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129068241

| I'm not gonna lie, I only know a couple people who "pirate games because they can't afford them" and yes, they're from third world countries or impoverished living situations and need video games to cope with an otherwise painful life.

Everyone else though pirates for one of two reasons: to try before they buy, or because they can get away with it and don't want to pay for the product. Now, seeing as self reporting this sort of thing is entirely honor based, its a crapshoot which of these people make up the "vast majority" of pirates, but from my own, cynical personal experience... if people can get something for nothing, they will.

Normies, for example, used to illegally download music by the gigabyte when Napster, limewire et al were brand new and relatively easy to use. People *still* pirate music when they can, because its relatively easy to do with next to no consequences for themself. Why pay for a streaming service or buy from Bandcamp/Apple/etc when you can just rip it from youtube?

| >>900292

I've seen this study before. The poor and middle class will always be more charitable than the well off because of empathy. Its easier to feel charitable when you see a poor person as being worse off as yourself, or an example of what you can become after one bad day. The wealthy, with parachutes and savings cushions, will have a harder time relating unless they grew up poor.

| >>73bb8e yeah, I often times think I might have too much empathy though

| I'll share my experience ripping code lyoko episodes from their official youtube channel. Moon scoop has long since devolved, there is literately no way I could financially support the folks who actually made(not who currently owns it) it so why care all that much about pirating it.

I agree when I was a teenager I used to binge hentai sites, sure maybe I would note down a couple of artists, but if I wanted to honor every potential purchase.

| I'd have to pay possibly thousands of dollars worth of of doujin works

| Dissolved*

| Fuck corporations, don't feel bad about not giving them money
If it's a small indie then pay if you can, but if you're broke you should still be allowed to enjoy games so don't feel bad about that either

| People who's too poor so they pirate exist.
People who have too many disposable income also exist, they have the money to buy a game multiple times. Like just ask people how many version of skyrim they bought. Also applicable for indie game like hollow knight and stardew valley; some people buy it just to play on their switch.

People who pirate because they can get away without paying exist.
People who buy extra copies for gifts and alts also exist.

| >>900577 same gurl different id

So I think it is pretty silly to stress over why and how many people pirate.

Next thing you know, you stumble over revenue of shitty mobile game with cringy and false ad, compare it to your average indie game and you'll be in the pit of despair.

If your game is good and priced fairly, then it will sell.

| I pirate stuff by the terabyte. Thousands upon thousands of games, music, and videos.
I also buy stuff whenever I have the money for it. Hard copies of games for every big console since the 70's, a bunch of books and CDs, a steam library with 4 digits.

Sometimes it's just that there's too much media I'm interested in to afford.

| Hypothetical: With recent advances in AI art, let's imagine companies fire all the staff and replace with AI. AI makes the games now. What are the ways an AI would handle piracy?

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