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Hello i'm Hideo Kojima

| I want to make a new character called Cummu Raincum, is it fine ?

| What’s their special ability?

| >>4af51d
they shoot the gun :)

| Is it a big gun?

| A pipe double barrel?

| >>881192
Stop making games and just make movies already, fuck's sake

| >>881216 is the ammo white?

| That Shinzo Abe kill was pretty based and pro gamer of you

| Hello i'm Himeo Cringima

| >>33689e
Good day sir.
I'm Hideo Kojima's lawyer, Magnum Pussy.
You have 20 days to run, and 2 to run.

| >>881192 no, also you are not allowed talk, send all request on [email protected]
-Kagemasa Kozuki

| It is fine

| signature catchphrase "its cummu time"

| why do you keep getting away from murder

| Why are you glay?

| >>881432 will you tell us your name, or are you just gonna leave us hanging after mentioning your enlarged genitals

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1658358082

This thread is permanently archived