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everything is a moba right now

| Warner bros and disney now.
the end is near

| Moba Battle Royale when?

| Elona

| Because stupid people keep playing. You get the games you asked for.

| Warner MOBA?

| fortnite moba when

| Am i moba?

| Sex MOBA when?

| >>808252 battlerite?

| >>808252 Eternal Return, actually

| >>808250

Hell yes, i've been waiting for this genre to choke itself on oversaturation for awhile now.

Next is Battle Royale.

| Only good MOBA is the Pokémon one because it's short

| >>808492
I keep coming back to that game

| MOBAs will never be oversaturated, many have tried for over a decade but they'll never truly pass the normalfag test since any moba that isn't shit (read: DOTA 2) actually takes effort to learn and play. League is only relevant thanks to a carefully curated cycle of shit updates meant to grab zoomer attention month by month.

| >>808782 I'm sorry but league is better than dota, league has better lore, better champs, better objects, better skills and prettier colours. And those are the facts.
Any argument that contradicts these facts is just a cope.

| >>808792
>Better champs
Maybe before, but at this point no.
Lore is getting more attention, but sometimes I feel it's also getting unnecessarily complicated and convoluted. Everything else is fine though.

| >>808818 league lore is still better than Dota though.

| >>808782 League is better than Dota. But keep up the copium.

| >>808792
I love everything about League, except for the game itself.

| League lore is quite a mess tho, shit has been retconned so many times that i don't even know what's real or not anymore.

| play smite, the majority of the player base struggle to breathe. easiest ego boost on the market

| Smite is dead. Takes ages to get a match up.

| ew. league players. can we burn this thread?

| Ew league hater, shoo shoo.

| >>809415 Only if gatcha players are also burnt

| >>809415 only if the edgy wannabes who hate popular games like league just for the sake of being edgy are also burned.

| Any pokemon unite players? The only thing holding the game back is the shit tier match making and overpriced microtransactions.

| >>809837
I guess I go in that category? I've only played, like, 2-3 sessions, but I kinda fuck with it. Still waiting to find actually decent players though.

| >>809869 imma be real and say, you wont, even at master rank with hight elo, unless you 5 stack, the skill lvl of the game in solo queue is simply random. Find friends to play with if wanna climb but dont take solo games seriously unless your teamates show signs of competence like proper rotation, calling lanes and going for objectives.

| >>809426 >>809701 league players identified

| >>809872
I'm talking more about opponents. Like, I never play any MOBA games, I knew absolutely nothing about this one, but every single game I've played since I downloaded it my team has won and it hasn't been close. Like, I just stopped playing because it got boring. And, like, I'm not saying that as like a flex thing, because I'm honestly pretty mid. It's just the opponents I've gotten every single game have just been very, very bad.

| >>809896 yep thats the point, if you are mid and you seem to be destroying it, it still means the match making is crap, Im actually good at the game but since Im either matching against 5 stacks or my own teamates will literally go afk after feeding the enemy 2 lvls and abandoning lane if not just both I sorta drift between expert and ultra, Im now teaching new players to help me make a good 5 stack to climb.

| >>809909
Damn. Yeah, I guess the matchmaking is just trash then. Because, like, I don't play MOBAs, but I'm sometimes even kill leader, because half the players I find just, don't seem to know what they're doing in the slightest and let enemies escape. It's weird.
But, I'll try playing it some more, and hopefully it'll get better some day. Maybe I'll try doing it like you, even though I don't think I have the knowledge for it.

Total number of posts: 33, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1638755839

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