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Steam Summer Sale

| It's about to end! What does danger/v/ recommend I look at getting?

| Buy a free-to-play game.

| Horizon Zero Dawn was on sale on pc, said the complete edition with the dlc too. See if it's still on sale!

| Buy the entirety of Wadjet Eye Games's catalog. Or at least Unavowed. Best adventure game I know.

| >>771236 GabeN won't take my money for a free game. D:

>>771237 I actually already own it for the PS4, so I'm good on that front.

>>771244 just bought all of them except for the new one. Going to wait for that one to go on sale...

| Is Shantae Seven Sirens worth grabbing? Looking for similarly cute games also

| I bought fall guys xd

| I personally grabbed Cloudpunk, Outer Wilds and CrossCode with DLC. Good stuff.

| >>771448
Enjoyed Cloudpunk while sipping whiskey, Va-11hall-a style. drunk driving ftw.
Outer Wilds was more of a thinker but i loved it a lot.

| Don't give money to steam wtf. Even piracy is better than that.

| >>771503

| >>771503 What's wrong with Steam? Got nothing against Steam or Valve personally.

| >>771503
Look I know the 30% cut is bad and you should absolutely buy a game full-priced on Itch if it's available there, but "piracy is better" is just fundamentally wrong.

| Well if you enjoy renting your games it's up to you but that's not very smart. Even if you want it so much, buy the keys on the humble store for cheaper. There is absolutely nothing good about steam

| >>771574 You will never convince anyone to stop buying from steam/digital market with this argument, gurl.

Have you seen genshin? One of the most popular game last year. People are okay throwing hundreds/thousands for a 3d model that will not exist if the game shut down. Even worse, they'll probably worth less after several months because of powercreep.

And it extends to gamepass, netflix and other subscription services. Convenience wins over longevity for most people.

| It is more understandable if you direct your argument to stadia or other dying services. Who knows if you can still play your games on stadia 2 years from now.

But steam? It has survived for more than 10 years. Heck, it still survives even after epic is throwing money left and right to poach players and games from steam. Any reason it will die soon?

| >>771570 agreed on Itch, they take no cuts from devs and you get DRM-free copies of games anyway. Supporting game creators AND longevity? Score.

| >>771659
Yeah no Steam will still live long after I'm ded, so I'm not worried about my digital library all that much.

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1625856702

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