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Is the Switch a waste of money?

| 90% of the catalog are third parties that I can play on PC... Yeah, portability is a thing but I have a laptop...

Should I buy a Switch?

| ....? Since when?

It's great for the portability etc, if that's not something for you then probably not.

| It feels good to go from portable to full screen tv.

It definitely has incentivised some purchases that i would otherwise not have made but other than that only buy if you have a hard on first party titles.

| It's. . . meh.
Joycon drifts so don't go for Lite because it's harder to fix. Other from that, enjoy lagging games.
It's cool if you can homebrew it.

| Nintendo has not fixed the joycon drift yet? Oof.

| The switch is worth it, as are many of the games. The controllers, however...

| Just don't go trying to play any of the ports of games intended for stronger hardware. And if you play Smash Bros, be prepared to replace a few controllers. You will wear them out incredibly fast, no matter the type or brand. Better off getting an adapter and using a regular gamecube controller, they last far longer

| Bottom line: If you want to play modern Nintendo games, it's worth it. If you prefer indies, PC is better.

| Worth the money if you like nintendo games, and people like this sometimes play splatoon/smash bros/animal crossing for months or years.

If your interest in their game is not that much and plan to play third parties, then it's not worth the money. Especially if covid make you less mobile.

| >>766022 at least the repair kits people sell in Amazon do the job, changed my sticks a few months ago, holy fucking shit... What a game changer, I can actually play in my Switch again

| And yeah as >>766103 said, it's mostly about whether you care about the exclusives and portability and shit... Nowadays my Switch is just a Smash machine, and I sank a good 300 hours on Animal Crossing, so if you care about any of those games you get a shit ton of hours out of "low cost"

| >>766105 Hold up, repair kits are around now? I'm sitting on three pairs of joycon paperweights, tell me more.

| >>766109 well, I just pulled up to Amazon and searched Joycon repair kit and got one with 2 pairs of sticks for my two pair of joycons and followed a YouTube tutorial on how to do it with the tools that came in the kit, apparently it's just that the sticks are garbo quality and changing them does the job. They worked like new for me after the replacement

| Remember that you'll be laughed at for playing it in public.

| >>b21dda you can also just use compressed air and/or WD-40 Contact Cleaner at the first signs of drift and it will almost always solve Joycon Drift.

| >>766134

People have better things to do than fuck around with someone playing a modern gameboy.

| >>766134 >>766204
I legitimately fail to understand what is wrong/laughable about playing it in public.

| >>7434f3 you get robbed, and there is still a social stigma around areas that lack soy. No soymo.

| >>766212 I live in a 3rd world country and it's kinda crazy for me that there're people that can play in their devices/switch/Pc in Public without getting robbed in other countries!!

| I love my switch, its my favorite console since the ps2. That being said if a console isn't your thing, then the switch isn't your thing. Sounds like your starting to catch the pc master race bug.

| That being said I think it has way more portability than a laptop. I play my switch in bed all the time, I don't play my laptop in bed.

| >>766204 no they don't.

| >>766288
That would be pretty sad :(

| >>766284 Yeah I was gonna say that. The portability of a laptop isn't really comparable with the portability of handhelds.

| Well, that depends on what you want you silly. Personally it's more or less the only thing I play games on. I just really like the games it has and that you can have it on both TV and handheld and tabletop and stuff. It's like, comfy in a way. So if you want a comfy console that has Nintendo games on it then definitely worth it. If you want comfy console to play non-Nintedo games on I'd also say it's worth it. But if you don't want comfy console then definitely not worth it.

| There's this homebrew service you can install called MissionControl that allows you to use any Bluetooth controller without any special chips or soldering. There's also an addon for MissionControl called nx-btred that allows for Bluetooth headsets.

If you are getting a nintendo switch, get one that's hackable.

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1623648105

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