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Journalist's tests

| Do you read them ?

| No, I don't read ads

| Wtf is "journalist's tests"? Do you mean reviews by professional game journalists?

| >>748685 WAIT, there are professional game journalists?

| >>748717 there is no such thing as "game journalist", only shill sluts

| >>748717
"Professional" just means people who get paid to do things. "Game journalist" is just a general catch-all for people who write about games. Games is a cultural medium that's been around for a while, you know. Of course there are people who write about them.

| Nah, I'd rather watch some actual gameplay, so I can make my own opinion, instead of reading about someone else's

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1617113233

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