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Looking for some shootets rpg

| I'm looking for some mixture of rpg and shooters, can be a game where there is some sort of gunsliger type of class/character as well.

| Uhh... SAO Fatal Bullet is probably legit the best RPG Shooter if you can handle some anime BS, though it's kinda more of an RPG first kinda thing...

| I can't really think of any that is not an MMORPG in essence (like SAO FB which is simulating it). Borderlands but even those have some MMORPG basics. Another MMORPG is S4 League but it's third person and have some melee class (even though you can create games banning them) overall it's really fun and it's matches instead of of an kind of open-world.

The only singleplayer I can think of is Dishonored 1&2

| Destiny 2?

| >>746826
Oh boy, S4 League is still a thing? I remember really liking it like... 10 years ago, maybe more..? Cool shit.

Also, since when is Dishonored a shooter? Or and RPG, for that matter?

| >>746826 S4 League? Never heard about it, can you tell me more?

| >>746899
Long story short, it's a competitive third person shooter with an anime aesthetic and heavy(-ish) emphasis on movement.

| Have you guys played The Division? I mean I found the concept interesting, although I usually despise Tom Clancy games, with all that america propaganda, to me any type of overnationalistic stuff it's cringy but anyway, the aesthetic and concept were nice but when I played the second game the first part, it felt like really Meh. Boderlands I played the second one it was great the other not so much, haven't played the 3. Dishonored I will play later. SAO felt like a bootleg PSO2

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1616268140

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