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Do you feel guilty about not beating the games you bought?

| Putting aside games that you get for free/as gifts, do you feel a strong need to beat/finish the games that you bought yourself? Do you ever feel bad about not playing enough of them before moving to another game?

Because whenever I think about wanting to buy a new game (which is pretty often now), I always feel kinda guilty about my backlog.

| Yes. I've probably bought more games than I'll be able to finish in my lifetime, and I still keep buying more, and it kinda sucks tbh.

| Depends on how much I got out of whatever I've played. If it's a time sink like a big open world game, I don't expect to finish that any time soon and judge if each session is satisfying enough. But let's say I so finish a game, I would feel more guilty I wasted time and money on it than a game I liked playing half-way through.

| >>731975 *say I finish a game if I didn't like it

Wow I wish there was an edit button

| YES. I'm ocd with trophy hunting and some games I decided to never play due to insane difficulty, glitches, or online functionality removed. Metal Gear Revengence is the main one on my mind

| Mmmm sort of
but tbh I generally go back to them if they're any good. I burnt myself out on Tactics Ogre after like 700 hours but after a few months of playing P5, FF7R and REmake2 I got a hankering for tactics again.

I more regret games that I end up not really feeling. For example...Yakuza Kiwami. I want to like it, I know it has a ton of goofy shit, but it just...kinda bores me. The funny dub is gone, everyone's pores are massive, and it just feels drab. Guess i prefer fantasy.

| More or less, yes. Its depressing to look at my backlog of games on Steam and see all the stuff with 0 hour playtime. Makes me feel like I'm wasting my money.

| >>732182

Pr sure if you have under 2 hrs played you can refund on steam so there is that at least

| Remember, still exists people what have libraries with thousands games, so if statistical distribution works correctly here, you are not so bad about it "^^

| >>732212 when are you buying games out of steam, no, and it's also here rule that game can't be refunded after 14 days

| >>732239
Ah right the 14 days

get cracking
I find that a lot of games are great after i push myself to get into them.

| Ah, glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. There's just so many interesting games out there. But my time and wallet are limited.

I was about to make fun of you for being obsessed with Tactics Ogre but I feel the same way with Fire Emblem so we're on the same boat actually.

They're not even particularly replayable games, why are we like this.

| >>732212

That's only if they've also been purchased within the past month? Although the few times I had to refund things, the store granted me refunds if I explained the situation well enough, like once when a friend refunded a gift because the person he was going to play it with (someone else) flaked out on him. I didn't expect that to work.

Most of the games I have are like, purchased over the course of *years* though. There's no company on earth that would accept refunds from things that existed before steam refunding was even a thing.

| Guilty isn't what I would call it but I do want to make it through my whole library at some point.

| Actually, last year, I actually made good progress on my backlogs. So I have been feeling good about getting new games.

| Nah, usually I'll buy a few games on sale and try to play them shortly after. If I don't feel like playing one at the moment, I'll put it in my on hokd folder. I try to have less than 60 games because I don't wanna end up like people with 1000+ games and never get around to playing them.

| hold*

| Nah I have a lot of games that I bought that I haven't beat yet. They just take a long time to play so I just put them on the backlog for later.

| I'm not a 100% nut, so when I don't 'finish' a game its usually because it took me over 2 hours to realize I didn't really like it, or even though I like it its just too long, Sekiro and Persona 5 come to mind respectively.

The ones I feel worse about are the times when I buy more than 1 game at a time, and just never get around to playing some of them, or it takes me till like a year after I bought them. Sucks when I can't refund a game cuz I waited a month to play it.

| I felt like shit for not beating Sekiro when i got it a few months ago. now im on NG+2 with 50hrs so theres that. I just tend to always have a multiplayer game to play and end up forgetting the single player ones.

| looking at my "plan to play" list right now i have Metro Exodus and Cyb2077. 2077 though, im waiting on more updates lol

| Everyday...

| >>734242 Depending on the beefiness of your PC 2077 may be worth playing already. The game runs pretty well on my mid tier PC, and I've only run in to 1 truly annoying bug. Its honestly way less irritating than Skyrim at launch or Fallout 4 was a year later, if it weren't for the last gen consoles launch it probably wouldn't be getting quite so much shit right now.

| You learned to play games.
You wanted more games.
You work to get more games.
You have more games. But now you're working, so you don't have enough games.
You now have more games than time.
You hope that someday you can sit down just to finish the games that you have...

| Looking forward to retirement game time

| >>735402
This is a mood

| >>734800 I disagree. Even with bugfixes and optimizations, there's still a lot that the game didn't deliver on for PC. And when it comes down to it the core gameplay is somewhere between mediocre and uninteresting.

| Yesnt. I measure wether it was worth a buy by how much hours of good time I got out of it. By that metric, even tho I hate it now, Overwatch was the best game I bought yet.

Total number of posts: 28, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1612352614

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