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416 is looking at me..

| No.. i don't want to go backk nooooko

| This is not fuckin' scp board

| Commander... <3


| >>719796 nooo please leave me aloneee

| You say that like it's a bad thing.
She is all you need, after all.

| >>719937 i don't want to go back to glf!!

| Gfl*

| >>719968 We all come back to it eventually. I came back, and soon you will too.

| SCPs are for nerds, real shit is lobotomy corporation abnormalities

| Durable. Reliable. All you need.

| >>719967 I want to get out of gfl! The farming! It never ends!

| >>720795 i believe in you! You can get out! Like me..

| >Jensen yessss

| She's got MOD now
She really is all you need

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1607266715

This thread is permanently archived