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My DSi started charging very fast, but also losing charge very fast too

| Is the battery dying? Is there any way to reset it, or do I have to look for a replacement? DSi batteries are kinda hard to come by around here.

| Dsi batteries are around 7€ on Amazon, all you need is a compatible screwdriver and take out just the two scews inside the rectangle behind your Dsi and just change the old one for the new one.

Do you have your Dsi homebrewed or anything related to custom software, or do you play when the battery is full and still charge it?
Recommend turning off wireless conection and low levels of brightess if possible

| until Switch, Nintendo always made sure to make an easy access to the batteries because they always took in consideration travelling, they even sold packs on shops when fatDs was released

| >>670766
> on Amazon
Yeah, well, can't wait to pay another 30€ for shipping on top of that...

| >>670766
Also, yeah, I have an R4 cart. And I play a lot, sometimes requiring up to 2 charges a day.

| Wow it really does vary between countries lol, this one should make the price double: https://www.amazon.es/gp/offer-listing/B001PPGFYY/ref=dp_olp_new_mbc?ie=UTF8&condition=new
I suggest trying to play an official game for 1 day and see how many charges you need, but with a R4 2 charges isn't that bad, in fact when I play an official game I need 1 charge and probably a second one at the end of the day, but takes forever to charge Q_Q

| Flashcarts drain more battery than normal, maybe the R4 needs a firmware update, but while the battery last between 3 hours to 14 hours (depending on brightness) everything should be fine

| batteries die sometimes :/
I mean, ofc that 30 dollarss shipping is absolute madness, yea I totally get that...
btw, how "fast" does it charge/discharge as of right now ?
2 charges a day sounds okay to me, with a full battery and fairly new console, I remember charging at least twice a day...

| >>cc8b78 >>311674
Welp, it charges in about an hour and with an R4 goes into red LED after about 3 hours of sleep mode :\

| >>670845
maybe a replacement battery will be necessary, but it's your call.
unless it's absolutely unusable, you have a choice.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1592514276

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