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Games with sick combat

| I've been playing Dragon's Dogma lately, and the combat is so fucking sick. It feels good and looks really cool. Any other games that are like that?

| Shadow of the colossus.
Soldier of fortune.
God of war.
Lost planet?

| Shadow of Mordor/War

| Yakuza series.

| >>665177
SotC and GoW are pretty good.

I don't really vibe with the microtransaction shit.

That's a good one.

| Two Point Hospital.

Trauma: Under the Knife.
Trauma: Second Opinion.
Trauma: New Blood.
Trauma: Under the Knife 2.
Trauma: Trauma Team.

| >>665218
I'm not really looking for doctor games, sorry.

| Quake 3 Arena

| >>665208 >>665182 good news, the loot boxes were removed in Shadow of War.

| >>665258
For real? Might actually have to check it out then!

| I like the combat in Control when you've unlocked the ability to fly.

| Minecraft

| Tetris

| https://store.steampowered.com/app/792220/Paunch/

| Nier:Automata

| Y'all have had a lot of good suggestions, but currently I'm only really interested in >>665275.
Keep them coming though. Maybe someone will be able to top it.

| >>072ef9 Yeah they removed them, it pains me to see that the publishers sulled the name of such a great game just because they wanted to make some quick bucks. I spend at least thousands of hours playing both games, slaying countleas uruks and building up friendships with my bois.

| Monster Hunter. World especially.

Tales of Berseria has really cool combat WHEN it works.

Probably not the kinda sick you're expecting, but Toribash has some sick combat.

| >>665218
Just wanna say I chuckled at that

| Devil May Cry 3. The enemy design is a bit annoying but *good God* the combat is fun

| If anyone's on this thread and has a VR set up, check out Rumble when it officially comes out.

It's basically PvP Earthbending where u dont preas any buttons and you just do the movements to earthbend (yeah so avatar-style earthbending)

| >>665414
I have a Quest, and that definitely sounds sick.

| Sekiro
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
Hyper Light Drifter

| >>665182 I can't stand shadow of mordor's combat. It feels too coordinated. It probably looks stunning when you watch people play, but when I play it myself, it felt like dance choreography.

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1591422289

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