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what is this conflicting feeling of enjoying action games but wanting to pick up tedious games

| based on the games I enjoy I should be playing bayonetta and astral chain but here I am playing ryza and wishlisting rune factory like some nerd

someone who understand gamer psychology please explain this to me

| You know how listening to the same song over and over again will make you get sick sick of it. Your brain knows that's what action game is for you and it's trying to protect you!

| Because they're different.
Maybe it's just you feeling that you have to see what else is out there. Maybe you think you might be missing out on something. Or maybe you want to try and understand what people who enjoy "tedious" games see in them ?
Or maybe it's just that the graphic design of the game appeals to you ?

| > Or maybe you want to try and understand what people who enjoy "tedious" games see in them ?
maybe that, yeah

| Yeah, I have something similar, it's like I understand that I don't have much time to play games, and I have a lot of short-ish games in my backlog that I would enjoy a lot, but here I am wishlisting and playing 100-hour long JRPGs anyway.

| Tights ofc

| I know what you mean, those kinds of game is pretty relaxing when compared to action games. Maybe your mind just need a little breather.

| I get that. I have a lot of fun playing fighting games and shooters, but I always buy JRPGs and shit. I obviously like them, but I should probably play a few more action focused games since I usually have a good time with them. Stuff like D3 and DS3 are great though, because it blends the more intense stuff from action games with the more tedious parts of RPGs, so maybe you should try some Soulslikes and similar?

| >>653409
souls like are haaaard. I'm more of a platinum games level of difficulty kinda guy. I mean, I haven't gotten any progress in DS since I got to lagtown.

| Ah, fair enough. I haven't beaten any of the From Software games yet, but I play them in bursts usually. It gets a little exhausting to only play DS, but I still have a lot of fun doing it. I actually have more trouble with Platinum games. I was almost done with Bayonetta but couldn't beat that Jeanne fight. I just completely stopped playing DMC because I couldn't beat one of the earliest bosses in the game. Some knight with electricity or some shit.

| >>653679

| monstar huntar i dont kno

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1589342927

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