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R6 opinions

| I think it's a really cool game. I love the strategy in it and you can do some really cool stuff when using gadgets and abilities creatively. I also really enjoy the more realistic combat. It's not like CoD where you can shoot someone in the head 10 times and they survive. Here headshot is insta death and it only takes around 1-5 bullets to down someone depending on the weapon if it's not headshot. It makes the combat a lot more intense and strategy oriented.

| Of course, the way they earn additional money on it is pretty shitty, having all the new characters that release not be included in the base game, but the base game is cheap for a AAA game. It also doesn't take that long to earn enough money to buy characters just by playing and you really don't need a lot of characters, so I honestly don't mind. I've bought 4 characters total, but I still find myself mostly playing the characters that came with the game.

| It's a fun game, I'll give it that but like you said, I don't like how they handle unlocking stuff, I'm so tired of micro transactions and loot box esque mechanics.

Also people can be massive twats in the game, as in all multilayer games.

| >>640888
Well, that has nothing to do with the game though. That's just the players.

| >>640892 I disagree. The game you play severely affects the community atmosphere, and this can be used as a negative against the game.

As a general rule of thumb, the more competitive a game is the more toxic it is, and the opposite applies too.

Games like R6, CS, LoL are extremely competitive and toxic people are in nearly every match.

| The communities of casual games or co-op games are seldom toxic, of course there are exceptions to every rule in the sense that even in a game like Deep Rock Galactic you can find a toxic person once every 100-200 games but besides that the community is incredibly friendly and welcoming, that often gets brought up when talking about the pros of a game, just like how toxic communities get brought up as a con of certain games.

| >>640959
There are tons of good people even in competitive communities too though. Like, I love the Smash community even though it's highly competitive and has some toxic people. If you judge the entire player base and the game by just a few people there are really no games that are good. I can have a lot of fun talking shit in a competitive but fun way. The really toxic ones I'll just mute or vote kick.

| >>640970 "there are tons of good people in comp" isn't an argument. I did not say that competitive communities are 100% toxic, I highlighted the fact that there is a direct correlation between how competitive a game is and how toxic the community is. Competetive communities ARE more toxic.

| >>640970 "if you judge the entire playerbase by just a few people" wow another great argument, sure shows how good your reading comprehension is. I literally said that DRG has one toxic person every 100-200 games, saying that it doesn't affect the fact that the DRG community is "incredibly friendly and welcoming" despite the occasional bad apple.

| >>640970 next time come up with a valid argument instead of completely dismissing what was said to bring up a point that was already invalidated by previous posts.

| R6 is too slow for me. All my friends like it and want me to get into it but eh

| Eh, the concept is nice, apart from basically being Counter Strike with a completely uninteresting lore.

Sometimes the amount of verticality slows the game down to a snail's pace and that's not always "me".

I don't care about the history of ANGERY BRITISH WOMAN *ahem* Clash.

As for the community, none of them are perfect, I just play games as best I can.

| I like the idea but not the destructible walls. It consistently feels like a shitty gimmick.

| I like the character's personality an back stories, but I'm not too big on it's PVP. R6 Siege was supposed to be another Vegas game; R6: Patriots but got scrapped

| >>641116
I quite like the destructible walls. It makes the game a lot more interesting than other shooters. You have to think about what walls to reinforce and which ones would you could benefit from keeping open. I found it kind of annoying at first, but after playing more and getting better at the game I've started to enjoy them quite a lot.

| >>641118
I haven't heard about that before but it sounds interesting.

| >>641122 This gives a good explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICVHMOjKncU

| >>641125
Don't got time right now, but I'll watch it later. Thanks.

| I've been playing siege a lot lately. Got my first clean ace earlier today.

| >>641288
Nice. Only times I've nearly aced have been with Kapkan, when my opponents are brain dead. Like, every trap triggered and two normal kills.

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1585943734

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