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| anyone?

| Nah.

| Stopped five years ago.

| Just occasionally.

| It's been banned locally.

| >>639664
Osu banned? Where are you from?

| Yea osu's the real shit, but no more farming ;_;

| It feel great when you beat insane map but i always regret when i look at the time after..

| >>639664 how the fuck does a game about clicking circles to a beat get banned?

| >>640743
Probably because of the anime/loli aesthetic for a lot of the songs.

| >>640744
Maybe copyright...

| >>640866
Why would it be because of copyright?

| >>640901
idk, easily could pass off as sharing songs that are under copyright...
since it differs almost on a country basis, well it might be a problem for >>b8ef09 ...
Idk maybe I'm wrong

| >>640744 that's.... actually kinda dumb.

so long it isn't *those* kinda lolis we're talking about.

| >>640901 mind you it's a community driven game, or rather, it relies on the community to keep the game alive.

the problem with this is there's not really proof of license, or if there is, it's not entirely clear.

| >>641087
There are a lot of people, especially those in power who are uncomfortable with just that. If it can be taken as even mildly suggestive in any way they don't want it. Where I'm at, age play stuff with people of age is illegal. Sure, it's not really a valid example here, but still. When adult people wearing kinda childish clothes is illegal, it makes me think even stricter places could ban stuff like that.

| >>641089
That's a fair point.

| beat saber is much better imo

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1585901183

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