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| Game or not Game? Or maybe "it depends" on level of interactivity

| At least one choice: game
No interaction at all other than going forward: kinetic novel, but I won't mind if it's called a game or lumped with other games

| To be a game it has to be interactible and feature a fail-state. As such, HuniePop is a game because it features both. VNs with nothing but dialogue choices are not games.

| >>639245
>feature a fail-state
According to this definition, the only point and click adventure games that are actually games are those awful ones where you can't progress if you don't pick up a random object from the early areas that you can't get back to.

Freeform simulation games would also like to say hello.

| >>639245 so like say a choice can lead to a fail state or a bad ending then where does it fall

| >>639343 point and click games are interactible and their fail-state exists as the player unable to figure out how to progress. It's a bit basic but it fits the definition.

>>639377 nowhere because choosing dialogue options is hardly interactive and usually the fail dialogue choice is obvious which means failure only exists when chosen intentionally.

| VN's are videogames period. It's a videogame for patient people. Most gamers want to be constantly hit loud explosions like some adrenaline junkie and make a hundred complaints for every second of unskippable cutscene. It doesn't matter how interactive it is, there is no such thing as a videogameness spectrum. "Visual Novel" is a western concept anyway. Japanese people just call them Adventure Games because that's what they are.

| >>639448 VNs are not games. There's nothing interactible and no fail-states.

Huniepop and similar VNs are exceptions, because they've incorporated interactible elements and fail-states into the VNs.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1585496854

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