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Animal Crossing New Horizons: Physical or Digital?

| I'm stuck on debating whether or not to get it digital. The convenience of digital interests me. Though I'm not sure if I want box art.

| I usually just decide on whether it's cheaper. So far, having a box hasn't affected my enjoyment of any games I own. Different deal if they snuck in an instructional booklet, but it seems that culture died a while back.

| I should probably point out I have no idea how they price new games where you live. Sometimes physical copies are cheaper for me for some reason.

| physical !


| Physical. I like carts and over here they're priced the same anyway.

| Physical, always!

| Animal Crossing strikes me as something to be occassionally played when the mood strikes, instead of something to be focused on until it's beaten. I'd go digital for that, assuming it's priced the same.

Physical is cheaper where I live too.

Disclaimer: I have never played Animal Crossing

| I like to think of it in terms of how close I am to having to buy a new micro sd card, and how much of a "focus" game it is. Like FE3H I went physical for sure, cuz I'm barely gonna be swapping it out. But like Blazblue? that I get digital since I like to play it in like 10 minute bursts.

| I'm in the US and physical is often let than digital which makes no sense but the we are.

I prefer digital because I don't like keeping track of a whole bunch of carts but Nintendo's shop is kind of ehh since no refunds

| >>633321
let = less
But the we are = but there we are

| I havent decided yet but my reasons for considering digital would be that i would be able to boot it up whenever and wherever without fumbling for a cart. Also the fact that i missed out on the only good preorder bonus in the us(the tsrget journal)

| If you have a lot of physical cartridges or are playing lots of games with cartridges recently it might be better to get digital, because then you dont need to switch out cartridges while out n about. If your more of a stay in kind of person then you could get physical, thats my plan anyway

| >>633379
They said this about ebooks.
And then cockazon deletes your books via a backdoor.
Fuck digital distribution.

| all things being equal physical is better because you'll never need to delete it for space or worry about download speeds for the basic game

| >>633387

Not to mention Microsoft Books.

| oh also by the time you have to worry about your physical media disintegrating like some old cartridges and discs are nowadays, you'll probably be able to just download it from a ROMsite like you can with your gamecube and wii games nowadays.

| Y'all takin bout books go to a fuckin library they free there fuck payin for that shit

| >>633625
I like to own nice things, you retard. And books are always nice, brand new or fifty years old.

| >>633625 Books in my local library have a tendency to be destroyed in some capcity. Some of them are kind of disgusting tbh.

Also, op here. Thanks for everything guys, I think I'll go with physical afterall.

| Physical is better, but I'll go digital because I'm lazy.

| As much as I would go for physical, if you have free space Animal Crossing is one of those games that ALWAYS needs to be near your console, the best option for that matter is Digital so you don't have to worry about leaving the game somewhere else as it would matter with other games you play and beat

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1583973179

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