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Playing Bioshock for the first time

| I just bought it and I'm about 2 hours into the game (hard difficulty) and it's pretty damn good. I'm enjoying the story and setting. Lot's of social commentary and insanity, and the little sister thing is pretty cool.

I have played Bioshock Infinite so I was expecting the first game to be kinda like that, but they're honestly pretty different. I'm enjoying the slower, take everything in style of this one, but the faster stuff in Infinite is also fun. Not sure which I prefer yet.

| Yeah, Bioshock is an immersive sim through and through while Infinite is just an on-rails shooter. Not like it's bad for the kind of game it wants to be but Infinite is anything but the original.

| >>612790
Yeah. I'm enjoying them for very different reasons.

| SystemShock. Do it.

| >>612820
I've considered playing it, but one problem is that the first one doesn't have Mac support, and I only have a Mac. There's also the fact that I very much prefer the setting and aesthetics of something like Bioshock. Like, I'm sure SystemShock is great, but it seems like something that couldn't keep my attention.

| What about System Shock 2 instead?

| >>612871
I mean, that does have Mac support, but it's the same thing for the setting. I've obviously heard about the games and know that the story is good, but I find that sort of aesthetic and stuff kind of boring. I'll buy it, since it costs about $1 right now, and then I'll give it a shot later.

| >>612866 you can probably get system shock to run in wine, get a drm free copy from gog and give it a shot

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1577272107

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