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I think Hero is fine

| Not really. I just absolutely love playing him because he reminds me of the Izzet lifestyle. If I'm being honest they should either give every single character subtle counters against Hero or make small nerfs to all his moves. Anything (except making him unplayable) to get him legalized.

| Is Hero so OP? I always take a severe beating when I try to play as Hero

| >>597158
I usually do too, but then I do a 2 hit combo with down B + critical hit that kills them at 0% even though I'm shit, and the I try to imagine a professional player having that much power. I then laugh out of sheer disbelief and unholy pleasure and think to myself "I wish he was legal, but it would fuck the meta so hard and make so many characters invalid that the healthiest thing would be if he remains banned."

I then continue playing Hero against CPU because I'm lonely.

| Took me far too long to realize that this is about Smash Bros.

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1568943471

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