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People should stop bitching about the new Wolfenstein

| It's not part of the mainline series so calm down people

| People are bitching about the new Wolfenstein?

| Its not bitching it's just I didnt know Wolfenstein was still a thing lol

| Wolfenstein effectively died after the 2009 one
that one was an alright FPS but a crappy addition to the series, and all the other ones were mostly decent but greater in the graphics department if nothing else
Youngblood's story is just a fucking meme though lmao
>It's not part of the mainline series so calm down people
you're effectively trying to say "HEY THIS TECHNICALLY ISN'T A PART OF (THING) SO IT'S NOT *THAT* BAD JEEZ", what the fuck man

| Is it so bad? I don't have any friends to play it with anyway, so nay for me either way.

| >>583750
sorta. supposedly it's not even going by the old linear shooter structure, but rather some kinda open-world, Borderlands-like type of shit.

also liberal pandering but what else is new??? [laugh track]

| 5+ dollar in game currency packs

| >>583753
Asking this out of curiosity because I haven't played it yet, what's with the liberal pandering?

| >>583801
if you mean it in the sense of "why's it there," then my guess is as good as yours. it's definitely trying to pander more to le badass feminists though, which is a hell of a red flag
>both player chars are females
>both of them are hardasses
>their 'supplier' is some black chick
and so on and so forth. it's dumb, but as i understand it, that kinda shit's been there since last game. really makes me angery

| >>583795 you say a game about nazis is full of capitalism? Not even prime minister Churchill would believe that one lol

| D-don't kill nazis please :(

| >>583807 so is it pandering if both the protags in a action game are hardass men?

| >>583828
no? if it was like that, it'd fall in line with shit like the cheesier co-ops of the ol' days. y'know, games like Contra, i guess.
the gripe with a mainly-female cast is that it clearly pushes an agenda and kinda alienates Wolf as a result. besides, moves like these never really gain much *positive* attention. see: modern-day Ghostbusters.

| >>72f544 I mean people are acting as if all the next Wolfenstein games will be like this when Wolfenstein 3 will probably go back to the linear story shooter of 1 and 2.

I think a lot of the bad reviews of the game are warped because they are too hung up on comparing it to the previous games and thinking this is the future of Wolfenstein when it's more like a farcry primal and new dawn

| >>583879
i guess you're not wrong. in a way, it *does* sorta seem like Bethesda's trying to test the waters by seeing what works and what doesn't, but at the same time it's always kinda dumb to fuck with the formula, especially if it's been tested and proven since RTCW.
i just hope you're right about the back-to-nature thing, though

| >>583879 Have you ever heard of Bethesda? With each franchise's sequel they do the more they screw. What's even weirder is that they could save Doom (for now)

Even going back to the roots doesn't mean the games will be any good, hoping I'm wrong but lately I'm hating too much on BethEAsda for obvious reasons.

| Wow!
a new bugthesda game that went wrong?

What incredible unexpected news!!

I can't believe they botched a game, fallout 76 was a complete masterpiece after all...
and all skyrim ports are bugless!!
The only bad game they made was the new doom, that one was awful!

| Hitler did nothing wrong.

| >>583933
he lost the war

| >>584000 he didn't, it ended after he died so tecnically he never lost

| >>584112
you kidding me?

| Alright no more kidding, that war didn't end until Japan was defeated

| >>584115
... japan was not defeated

| >>584121
You're right, they totally agreed to let the US use two populated cities as nuclear bombings test.

| >>584184 yes they did, a katana imbued with the power of 5 ayakashi is enough to not only stop a nuclear blast but also reflect it back to the US

| >>584260 not only that but create a void thanks to the slash and restore Edo

| I want a Wolfenstein where I kill commies instead of nazi.

Maybe both, that'd be even better!

| >>584000
Hitler did one thing wrong

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