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Oculus Quest

| G/u/rls it's coming out in 4 days, if y'all can suggest some games for me I'd appreciate it, so far I've got on my list
Superhot VR
Beat Saber
That one star wars game
Robo Recall
And that one groundhog day game

| I'd rather not get zucced, even if other VR alternatives are more expensive and require an also very expensive rig

| the wizards, it's short but spells are quite fun.

| Superhot VR is a good choice. Don't really know if I have anything to add to your list.

There's a really cool VR game coming up, but I don't think they've announced it for Quest yet sadly. If they do you should definitely buy it though.

It's a robot thing where you fly around and change your arms and shit and fight things. It looks really good. Can't remember the name. It's an open world type thing.

| i feel like such an idiot i just bought an oculus go when i could have waited for a quest. JUST

| VrChat because lols
Hover Revolt of Gamers, beaware it's futuristic parkour, you might get sick in the begining but it's awesome.
Bethesda VR games? Never heard anything good or bad about them.
GTA V it's a beautiful modern world to walk and drive around (VR is a mod)

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1558261092

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