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Best Videogame where you can wear a maid outfit?

| This is an important query. Please assist me. Thank you

| If you have any PC games I'm sure there's a million of options to mod a maid outfit onto anyone lol. Otherwise, maybe dead or alive? :P

| Gravity Rush has a maid dlc I believe

| I always wear a maid outfit while playing any video game...

| >>548214 this
Also final fantasy xiv tho the best maid like outfits are currently in the cash shop

| There's that one game who's main character is a robot thing who's name is 2B? And she has a lil sidekick boy who's also a robot? And they wear bandanas over their eyes. It won a bunch of awards. It's a pretty big game. Their outfits are kinda maid-y.

| Other than that, I've just started playing Closers. The game is pretty boring thus far, but there's also some maid-y outfits there too.

| Demon master chris

| Tales of xillia has a maid outfit for elise


| Fire emblem conquest has a maid class with appropriate outfit. It's a useful class to play as well.
Also FE:conquest is the only edition of FE:Fates that is worth playing and anyone who says otherwise is factually wrong and is a scrub.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1554651477

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