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A silly rant but heck

| David I'm not going to play minecraft with you if you are going to use keep item on death enabled. You've already set the difficulty to easy so you shouldn't be making this even easi-
>"I dont want to lose my diamonds if i die"
Bro. you've got chests.. go use em, store your shit in there
>"it makes the game more convenient"
And it kills the fun of surviving, look i can just jump off this fucking cliff and i will lose nothing. If you want me to play then disable the fucking gamerule

| Minecraft players.

| Damn, I miss the days when I played minecraft and had nothing to worry about. Good times

| Turn the diamonds into blocks. Problem solved.

| Tell him to stock on ender chests leave the diamonds inside and carry one ender chest with him

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1553891571

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