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Does anybody else miss the Scott Pilgrim v.s the world game?

| I do and if it wasn't for the fact that my shitty ps3 had its data corrupted I would probably still be playing it today

| Saw the movie first, found it overrated and banal. Is the game actually any good?

| >>bf8d99 imo yea, it's your basic 2-d side-scrolling beat em up with nice music and cute sprites, look it up if you're interested

| I still have it in my PS3. I used to replay that game so much. I'm worried the system may be on its last legs though.

| >>1d870c if you're worried about it I'm pretty sure you can get the hard drive and put it into a new ps3 or something

| I still have it on my Xbox,but yeah,good game that a majority of people can't play.I'm hoping there's a way to dump the ROM or something like that in the near future.

| >>c38ee9 i heard that the creator of Scott Pilgrim is trying to find a way to get it back up on stores but idk if it will actually happen, fingers crossed

| >>523966 oh I'm not worried about the HDD. I'm worried about the console itself. I can't afford to replace my PS3, I'm on a tight budget.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1548316879

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