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Reminder that the #DailyVA11HallA has officially started today!

| Give it a go if you have not tried yet, it's basically playing Va-11-hall-a during the same days it takes place on.

It has started today with the spinoff game and the prototype, and it will kick off with the demo soon

I felt really sad last years when I saw no-one commenting about it so I will fix that this one!

| Wait, by spinoff do you mean Va-11 Hall-A kids?
Do the dates in that match up? I haven't played it yet, but I was totally planning on doing Va-11 Hall-A day by day as my exams are ending right on time

| Loving the idea on this. Makes for a good reason to do another run of VA-11.

| Oh damn I just noticed that! sounds like a cool idea to play it on the same day of the year it takes place

| >>511321 yeah va-11-hall-a kids is just a spinoff but they dedicated a day to it anyways, it doesn't take place anywhere

| I already feel like shit and we are still in the first week. Something must be wrong.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1544388893

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