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Stalker 2?

| I've seen that teaser poster arround and those twets, but it still feels like an out of season april fools joke to me.
I want to believe.

| I have the close beta of Fear the wolves, that was made by some of the stalker people

| >>9d07d6 Well, how is it? cuz the E3 trailer is not gameplay. And even if it is good I just love the stalker saga and it's setting, yeah fear the wolves looks like stalker, but I dont think that it will be stalker.
And even if stalker 2 is released I am afraid that they might kill the franchise with a cheap game that only gets revenue from diehard fans or it becomes popular like fallout and it ends becoming something so different that it isnt stalker anymore.
Lets hope for the best

| >>12a6f4 still alpha but pretty fun game, with interesting features like the whloe heli evac win, the secret stashes, the wilves npcs, ... Not buying for 60 bucks but 20 $ is pretty reasonable

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1543510454

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